south end monks

Posted in rantings and ravings on December 17th, 2012 by skeeter

A lot of places, the weight of history holds em down.  Take Stanwood.  They got to live up to their Skandihoovian past.  Uff-Da Festivals and Lefse Smorgasbords.  Viking this and Viking that.  Sorta Leavenworth on the Skids ….

History’s a fine thing – keep our heritage.  Remember the past.  Honor the dead.  Yah shure, u-betcha….  But sometimes it’s an albatross around your neck.  Or a lutefisk necklace.  Keeps a place from growing.  Evolving.  Rediscovering itself.  Moving into new, uncharted territory.

The South End, being an uncharted territory practically forever, doesn’t have much to worry about from History.  I think it gives us a lot of breathing room.  We can make up all sorts of lies and legends and not have to worry about stepping on the feet of dead heroes or old cultures or somebody’s precious antique heritage.

You stop and think about it, that’s what America was once —unencumbered by history.  Making it up as we go.  Creating everything from scratch.  Dreaming up new frontiers.           America’s sort of lost that now.   When you spend most of your time celebrating what you’ve already done instead of what you’re gonna do, I don’t care if you’re a country or a town or ordinary yahoos like us, that’s a prescription for standing still and not pushing on.  Which is sad really, cause like the South End, it’s mostly a state of mind more than an actual place.  I guess we’ll have to keep the Torch lit down here.  Or at least the woodstoves.  Be like those Monks back in the Dark Ages scribbling in the caves all the Knowledge of the World.  Waiting for the exact right time to re-emerge and save Stanwood from its dark last century.

Hits: 17

audio —- christmas yule log

Posted in audio versions ---- the talkies on December 16th, 2012 by skeeter

[podcast][/podcast]audio — yule log fire

Hits: 19

christmas yule log

Posted in rantings and ravings on December 15th, 2012 by skeeter

Call me old fashioned. Call me Scrooge.  Call me late for dinner.     Christmas rolled in this last year and one of the TV stations– AS A Public Service – ran a four hour broadcast of a fire.  In a fireplace.  A Yule Log fire.  Run it while the family’s opening the Toys-R-Us packages, the CostCo presents, the Wal-Mart Roll Back Them Prices Made-in-China presents.

Run it Commercial Free!!             Four hours.

Now I KNOW the world’s changing.  And I KNOW this year you can buy that same Commercial Free Public Service, Phony Baloney, Fire in a Phony Baloney Fireplace, Yule Log DVD, WITH editor’s cuts, logger’s commentary  and a special at the end of complete descriptions of the kind of wood burned, the treebefore it got cut down, the make of the chainsaw that cut it, the trucker’s name that hauled it, all for 9.99.

Down at the sad old South End – this is gonna come as a shock and next year the EPA’ll step in, you know it, we’re so behind the times, so pathetic, so lacking in modernity, we still throw REAL logs on real fireplaces.


I’ve been thinking maybe we ought to quit polluting the neighborhood.  You burn those artificial trees, you’ll be doing more harm than good.  Nasty fumes.  Weird metallic smells.

What do I know????     Paper or plastic? They always ask me at the downtown grocery.  I always think they mean money or credit.  It’s too damn complicated a world.  But I do know the difference between a real fire and one on TV.  Even if it is commercial free ….


Hits: 16

audio — ugliness is in the ‘i’ of the beholder

Posted in audio versions ---- the talkies on December 14th, 2012 by skeeter

[podcast][/podcast]audio —- ugliness is in the ‘i’ of the beholder

Hits: 16

ugliness is in the eye of the beholder

Posted in rantings and ravings on December 13th, 2012 by skeeter

Back in 1980 we had a rash of vandalism targeted at Elmer Hovik, a local Developer the Seattle Times called a huckster.  Elmer built Camaloch and went on to go bankrupt slashing and burning Thunder Ridge which sat idle for the next 30 years.  In America you can go broke, set up new partners and the banks will let you go right back at it.  Elmer went broke the 2nd time working on Onamac, but in the meantime he managed to carve up some prime real estate on the way down, one being my suburb across the street.   Named it Brutus after a cow he owned.  The Camano Homeowners Association formed about then just to fight Elmer.


Elmer and his cows had set up mobile home sales about where the golf course clubhouse is now.  That way he could cut down our trees, bulldoze the lots and have you watching TV in the comfort of your single wide in the time it takes to say Chapter Eleven….


Some Monkey Wrenchin Gang wrote on the side of one of the tilted trailers in big black spraypaint STOP THIS UGLYNESS.  Spelled ugly with a Y.  About the same night all the survey stakes got pulled across the road from me in the development named after a bovine, so naturally the police came to chat with me about my whereabouts on the night in question, did I hold a grudge against Mr. Hovik or his cow, and would I like to plead guilty now and avoid a public trial and the subsequent humiliation?  I said I thought Elmer Hovik was so low on the evolutionary totem pole, he ought to apologize to the worms above him.  I said I didn’t remember where I was last night, much less a week ago, but chances are I was playing banjo in front of the woodstove with my dog Dr. Gonzo who could vouch for me.  And I declared I wasn’t guilty and I could prove it.


Carl, the deputy, said he would like to hear my alibi.  My alibi, I said, was that I could not have committed that dastardly act of desecrating a mobile home because I was an English teacher once before I became a South End misfit.  He said SO?  And I said, YOU obviously would’ve flunked my class cause UGLYNESS is misspelled.  It’s got an “I”, not a “Y”.  Also, Sherlock, you got the wrong culprit.


“Maybe you misspelled it to throw us off,” the wily officer said.  I said, “I told you, I was an English teacher and no self-respecting English teacher would knowingly misspell a word and have every passerby see it.  We took an oath.  But good luck finding your killer,” I said, “and look for someone who flunked English.”


Truth is, they never DID find the desecrator.  But I did.  I almost turned him in too, not for vandalism, not for getting me in hot water with the law — that’s right:  for misspelling UGLINESS.  Which is a kind of ugliness to me.



Hits: 103

audio —- mole mountain

Posted in audio versions ---- the talkies on December 12th, 2012 by skeeter



Hits: 18

mole mountain

Posted in rantings and ravings on December 11th, 2012 by skeeter

A lot of folks come to the country and are surprised by the surplus of pests they didn’t expect.  Bald eagles snatching the pekinese off the porch.  Otters snacking on their $2000 pedigree koi. The same otters leaving the leftovers under the house where the rotting carcass of carp would gag about anybody BUT an otter.  The coyotes eat the cat, the cat eats the birds, the birds eat the cherries.  The deer eat the prized roses and my neighbor behind me – a 2 legged pest – poaches the deer and the occasional stray dog that shows up too.  A lot of gunplay out in MY neck of the suburbs.


My neighbors think the garbage eating, begging raccoons are cute as buttons.  They feed em dog food like they were pets.  The possums don’t seem so cute somehow.  Pointy snouts, hairless, tumorous, sharp little teeth.  Somehow less than cuddlesome.  A few years back we had cougars.  200 pound cats.  Jump a 6 foot fence with a lamb wiggling it its jaws like paragliding in a breeze.  Easy for a mom to picture little Jimmy instead.  Remind you real quick that the country isn’t ONLY golf courses and weed n feed lawns.


But the scourge of the suburbs, the menace of the manicured fescue, the REAL threat to Easy Living, is the wily mole.  Burrows up every night thru green perfection and you best believe a mole hill to my neighbors IS a mountain.  They shoot at the burrows, dump gasoline and poison into the holes, blow em up, toxify em, trap em, sonic noise em, drown em, irradiate em and finally just stand back and curse em.


In the last great showdown as the sun sets over the sprinkler showered suburbs, the moles will ultimately WIN.  I suspect the tunnels all connect in one vast freeway system and their complex civilization has cities and art and language and calendars far beyond our meager comprehension. We’re their slaves, keeping the gardens tilled, the lawns watered, their elaborate canals flowing.  And the beauty of it is, we don’t suspect a thing.

Hits: 28

audio — christmas in tinseltown

Posted in audio versions ---- the talkies on December 10th, 2012 by skeeter

[podcast][/podcast]audio — christmas in tinseltown

Hits: 21

christmas in tinseltown

Posted in rantings and ravings on December 9th, 2012 by skeeter

Christmas on the equatorial South End doesn’t arrive on Black Friday, one hour after Turkey Day is still undigested, the way it does the rest of Jingle Bell America.  The urge to drive 40 miles to the nearest mall with a maxxed out credit card doesn’t compel us to hurry up the holiday that will only push us one step closer to bankruptcy trying to buy the kids enough presents to hide the water basin under the tree.

Oh sure, it’s swell to say every year that the holiday is really about the Spirit of Giving, that the True Meaning is sharing and love and blah blah blah.  But for a full month the REAL meaning blasts across the airwaves, piles in drifts of glossy sale ads, whistles down the blacktop in a high decibel muzak howl fever-pitched to buy buy buy some more….

Nothing new here.  Nothing we haven’t heard every year of our lives.  Too much commercialism.  Too much emphasis on materialism.  Too much tinsel, too little joy?  Plug in the Blu-Ray re-released hi-definition “It’s  A Wonderful Life” and watch it for the 50th time, only $29.95 on Amazon or run down to Wal-Mart at midnight on Thanksgiving with White Christmas spewing over the loudspeaker in a synthesized cadence determined by a shopper survey study group to enhance purchasing.

Naw, you can have it.  Down here we’re gonna hang the nettle wreaths the day before Santa sets sail, string a few festive lights (that won’t stay up all year) and maybe invite a few neighbors in for a Yuletide nog spiked with something savory.  We won’t give too many gifts, you can bet your stockings hung with care, not in these hard economic times, but we’ll help fill the food bank carts for those who need help this season way more than us.

Like always, we’ll drink a toast.  To another year with our loved ones.  To Peace on earth.  To good will toward men.  And women too.  We probably won’t watch “It’s A Wonderful Life”, we’ll just try to live it.  And hey,  all you Cyber Monday Shoppers — A Merry Christmas to You, Too!  Just not 365 days of the year, okay?

Hits: 20

audio — tattoo u.

Posted in audio versions ---- the talkies on December 8th, 2012 by skeeter

[podcast][/podcast]audio — tattoo u

Hits: 20