Crying Wolf How Many Times? Obama Bringing Back Smallpox!

Posted in rantings and ravings on March 31st, 2015 by skeeter



It’s easy to fall prey to the incessant alarm bells of our media looking for the ‘hook’ 24/7. The E-bola scare seems to have subsided after a month’s frenzy. Last time I looked we had two cases in this country of 350 million people, not a statistically significant number really, but enough apparently to bring the pundits to full boil and generate a clamor to close the borders. We have the Islamic State chopping heads off captives and burning folks alive, great stuff for the purveyors of panic, but so far we don’t have one single case on our own shores.

This week we get the report that the measles epidemic, the disease we thought we eradicated, is sweeping the country from its launch site in Disneyland. Now, I don’t blame Walt or even Mickey for this outbreak — we’ll let the liability attorneys ascribe blame and monetary redress — but I do blame the news media for fanning the flames. Course, now we got endless public debates on vaccines and vaccinations. You know we’re in trouble when the politicians weigh in. Usually they’ll tell you, ‘I’m not a scientist, but…. I think there’s serious people who question the roundness of the planet.’ This time they’re not even starting out with the ‘I’m not a doctor’ before they start playing one on TV. I mean, it’s not like Walt had a kiddie fun ride on giant flying syringes called Infection World. Just bad luck. For his stockholders, anyway. Put the QUARANTINE sign up and lock the gate.

Yesterday we were told there were 4 verified cases at this state alone! And 140 more across the Land of the Brave and Home of the Free. The sky is falling, the boy is calling wolf, the enemy is at the door! One doctor interviewed said the contagion rate was 90% certain if you were in the same airspace as the infected. 90%!!! He was standing in what looked like a plastic greenhouse with an enclosed airspace in the parking lot next to a hospital Emergency Room where newly arrived victims could be diagnosed and hustled into the ER. 90% of those exposed non-inoculated yahoos would catch measles!!

The doc’s greenhouse was empty right then, not much activity … although he looked prepared for the coming hordes. 4 already!! I know, doesn’t sound like a lot. Actually seems kinda small. All I can say is he better hurry it up, the press can’t wait because they know, even if we don’t, the next Crisis is just around the corner, already rearing its ugly head.

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audio — In Fox We Trust

Posted in Uncategorized on March 30th, 2015 by skeeter

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In Fox We Trust

Posted in rantings and ravings on March 29th, 2015 by skeeter


I read the other day that the most trusted news organization in America was … are you ready for this? … ta-da … Fox News. 29% of respondents said it was the network they trusted the most. 22 % cited CNN and the CBS/ABC/NBC lamestream media stations polled at 10% or less. If you go to partisan opinion, 58% of Republicans trusted Fox the most with 3% of Democrats. Democrats went with CNN at 32%.

Down here on the black and blue South End this shouldn’t come as a surprise, but it did for me. My folks watch Fox pretty much all day long. They think of it as news when I think of it as opinion based right wing fear mongering. Course my folks think Obama is worse than Attila the Hun, that he’s not an American, that he’s a Muslim terrorist and god only knows what else this Pretender is capable of, being a hater of the country he is trying to destroy from within that only the talking heads of the most trusted news station can prevent.

Maybe we should’ve expected this. After all, even science has become a political football. Evolution, the Big Bang, Global Climate Change, they’re all suspect to the folks who trust political opinion over political fact. A recent poll showed educated Republicans’ belief in these scientific theories diminished radically the MORE education they had. Democrats’ beliefs rose with additional education. Now, maybe I’m deluded here, but I always felt like facts mattered and science was something we Americans embraced. You got a theory on how things work, you put it to the test, run some experiments, see if there’s validity. At least that’s what I was taught in my public school system.

Apparently we don’t buy that baloney anymore. The Senator who heads up the committee on the Environmental Protection Agency walked in last week with a snowball to show how global warming was bunk. God, he said, was the only power capable of changing the weather. Says so in the Good Book. Case closed.

Now, I don’t mind a difference of opinion. Put your facts on the table and I’ll put mine there and we’ll see whose add up and whose don’t. But when I have to argue against the Word of God and you got the only correct interpretation of His point of view, well, the argument is pretty much moot, isn’t it? Might as well go debate the Taliban or Isis. And, no offense, it’s getting harder and harder for me to tell the difference between the religiously righteous, whether it’s us, them or the heathens.  Next year I expect the Fox News Network to declare themselves a church and apply for non-profit status.

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Posted in pictures worth maybe not a thousand words on March 28th, 2015 by skeeter

radio free south end

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audio — S.L.O.B.

Posted in audio versions ---- the talkies on March 28th, 2015 by skeeter

Hits: 1353

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Posted in rantings and ravings on March 27th, 2015 by skeeter


I got a lot of friends who are O.C.D., obsessive compulsive disorder folks, what we on the South End call Anal. Harsh word, anal, so for our purposes here we’ll stick with OCD. Don’t want to offend anyone, but linguistics can be a two edged knife. My pals suffering from OCD are mostly engineers, but they don’t see their symptoms as suffering. Or a disorder even. In fact, they would argue that the orderliness they demand of themselves is quite possibly the panacea for the problems the rest of us have. Course, they don’t factor in the fact that the problem I have is mostly them.

But let’s be fair. The new psychiatric diagnostic description for myself is: S.L.O.B. Seriously Lacking Obsessive Behavior. Poor toilet training as a kid, I guess. I don’t have to wash my truck every damn week. I don’t wash it every year some years. I accept that the universe is falling apart, what we call entropy down here in the South End Scientific Community. It’s just how things work. They go to hell in a handbasket and if you want to spend your life pushing rocks up a hill like Sisyphus, be my guest. They’re going to make a nice rock wall for yahoos like me when they end up down my way at the bottom.

I don’t make my bed. I don’t clean my windows. I don’t dust my shelves. I don’t edge my lawn. I don’t stack my firewood in nice rows. I don’t organize my files. I don’t follow directions. I don’t even look at the damn directions. I don’t follow a recipe or write one down either. I mean, why? The next batch of bread or homebrew or the next meal will be different, maybe better, maybe worse. C’est la vie, amigo! Routine is the killer, lists are for someone closer to death, order is for the delusional, life is chaos and the sooner you accept it, the better off you’ll be. So yeah, I’m SLOB.

I’m sure there’s a pharmacological cure for my ailment. But hey, I’ve got a pharmacological cure for lots of my ailments, why add one that might have side-effects for the others? In the final analysis, I suppose there’s a nice equilibrium between me and my OCD cronies. They draw in the lines, I draw the rest. When it works, we got a great little homeostatic community. When it doesn’t, well … we’ll find out what happens when gravity hits anti-gravity. Probably sounds like my banjo…..

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audio — burying our savings

Posted in audio versions ---- the talkies on March 26th, 2015 by skeeter

Hits: 157

Burying our Savings

Posted in rantings and ravings on March 25th, 2015 by skeeter


Being a card carrying South Ender, I’m a little mistrustful of fiduciary institutions. I don’t bury my savings out back in the nettle field, but I’m not real happy keeping it in the bank’s mattress either. I hear we’re coming out of the Great Recession after, oh, 7 hard years, but what I think is the folks who had enough money to play the stock market, they’re doing fine. The Fed dropped interest rates to near zero so if you happen to want to make money with the money you already got, you pretty much had to invest in the market. If you’re like me, you just wanted to play it safe after that same market dropped 40 % back in the Dark Days of the subprime mortgage collapse.

Fool me once, shame on you … fool me twice, well, I’m not happy about my options. If inflation kicks up, that money in the bank will start to dwindle. But … I learned a hard lesson about the stock market I won’t forget real soon. So when I went into my current bank, one of those Too Big To Fail conglomerates, to deposit a check awhile back, my friendly teller looked at our account and asked if I’d care to talk to one of their investment advisors. “You might want to consider something that would make more interest than your savings and checking account,” she said.

It’s wonderful to have my bankers concerned for me, it really is. Why would I ever think they were a predatory pestilence? So what if I have friends who’ve lost their homes or are even now fighting with their banks who for years have threatened them with evictions and mortgage default? Obviously they just want me to succeed. Good people, good hearts. I said, “You mean sit with one of your brokers who would suggest stocks and bonds for me to invest in?” My teller smiled beatifically. I was tuned in. Just a few keystrokes and that money sitting safely in our no interest account would electronically transfer to the Wall Street hotshots and earn us who knows how much money compounded annually over multiple years. Capitalism, what’s not to like?

“This bank,” I said, “no offense, but you folks played fast and loose back before the Recession. Bad loans, subprime mortgages, collateralized loans, hedge fund bets against your own investors. You and the other banks and the investment firms drove the economy into the dirt. And you want me to walk over and talk to your advisor? You guys are like a casino, take a cut on every hand and you win whether the rest of us do or not. Good racket, but I’ve got to pass this time. My gambling days are about over.”

No doubt I have an asterisk by my name when their computer logs me in, one that means Willing To Stay Poor. When the Fed raises interest rates — and it will before too long — we’ll see how the stock market does when financial cowards like me can make money by saving money, not gambling it. Until then it’s a bull market all right and my friendly little bank is raking it in but not loaning much out. Maybe that’s why we bought the property next door. We didn’t bury our money there, we just bought the hole to put it in.

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Rumor has it opening soon …

Posted in pictures worth maybe not a thousand words on March 25th, 2015 by skeeter

tyee megatore 4

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audio — tattoo review

Posted in audio versions ---- the talkies on March 24th, 2015 by skeeter

Hits: 76