Pisses of Fire (audio)

Posted in audio versions ---- the talkies on July 22nd, 2019 by skeeter

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Pisses of Fire

Posted in rantings and ravings on July 21st, 2019 by skeeter

Old people like myself, I’ve noticed, love to talk about their ailments and maladies. My old man has made a pastime of medical recounting, nearly a body of literature regarding doctor visits and various pathologies. One night at a dinner party with old friends, ‘old’ being the operative word here, the kids of our friends finally interrupted the incredibly fascinating chronicle of knee injuries, dental woes, eyesight troubles expounded upon by their parents and begged to return to the internecine political wars we’d agreed to put aside and just enjoy our meal. Anything is better than listening to reports of operations, tooth extractions and gastro-intestinal triages, I guess.

I’ve been fairly lucky over the years, not much to report to my geriatric friends or you either. Until yesterday when, are you interested?, I took a whiz and about passed out with the pain. Felt like fire in the tunnel, since you asked. Urine like lava. Kinda scared me. Scared me even more when the next few trips to the bathroom were repeat performances. Usually I avoid doctors, clinics, hospitals, most of the medical apparatus, but damn, this seemed like something that couldn’t be ignored and hope it would just go away with clean living and a little time to heal.

Okay, I thought as I drove the 20 miles to the clinic in Stanwoodopolis, old age has finally come knocking. A couple hours later, one painful pee into the plastic cup and lab results that showed blood in the urine, my doc wrote a script for antibiotics, theorizing a possible infection in the kidney or bladder, if it doesn’t go away, start looking at cancer or prostate problems, chemo, radiation, probably update the will, make plans for cremation, say goodbye to friends and family.

Funny how sitting in a waiting room a few hours with people who exhibit all the malfunctions the human body is capable of can give you, oh, a slightly skewed tilt toward pessimism.

I left the clinic and drove to the pharmacy, stoic on my pity potty, telling myself I’d lived a good life, now it was time to pay the piper. While I waited for my antibiotics, I decided to take one more dreaded piss before the drive home and the pain was barely noticeable. Was I getting inured to pain? Toughened up? Accepting of my fate? After a long wait, I got my pills, took one with my own home remedy, a beer and hit the long road home, now a pitiable metaphor.

Got home still feeling a little sorry for myself, kissed the mizzus thinking, you know, for better or worse on those wedding vows, sat down and helped her clean crab for a late dinner. Last supper, maybe. Woe is me. But miracle of miracles, next bathroom expedition was normal. Pain was gone. Pissing was fun once again. Life was good. I would live! I would live to pee again! Pain free!

I assume, based on my vast medical experience as a graveyard weekend orderly, I passed a kidney stone. My lab tests came back this morning, all within acceptable parameters. I canceled my antibiotic regimen, told the funeral home to put the cremation on hold and said to hell with writing a will. Hopefully, for you and me both, this is the last medical story you’ll get from me for a very long while. Count yourself lucky. Me too!

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Public Art Defense (audio)

Posted in audio versions ---- the talkies on July 21st, 2019 by skeeter

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What I Did on My Summer Vacation

Posted in pictures worth maybe not a thousand words on July 20th, 2019 by skeeter

Hits: 25


What I Did on My Summer Vacation

Posted in pictures worth maybe not a thousand words on July 20th, 2019 by skeeter

Hits: 24


Public Art Defense

Posted in rantings and ravings on July 20th, 2019 by skeeter

A few years back I had a bank lady ask me if I minded telling her where the checks I infrequently deposited came from, inasmuch as they were fairly large sums and came from various government agencies. I told her I was a glass artist and these were 1% for Art project payments. The next time I cashed a check she informed me that — and she hoped I didn’t mind her frankness — well, she didn’t much care for the fact I made money that her taxes paid for. Waste of her hard earned money, she said.

I can only imagine how she might feel this year when the new Stanwoodopolis High School goes on-line, probably totally hacked off about whatever art project their committee will choose from the WA State Arts Commission roster, an absolute waste of her tax dollars. My bet is she voted against building a new school, the old one was good enough, just drag in some more trailers when needed.

But as I told her, I don’t think 1% for Art is a waste of money. Oh sure, we could build a cement block Soviet-style school, maybe skip carpeting and ballfields, cut out the performing arts addition, keep costs to a bare minimum and call it good enuff. Nevertheless, we’re the richest country in the world, maybe ought to build architecture that reflects our values and no, a warehouse for education isn’t what I think of as our values. Maybe our public buildings should inspire us, maybe reflect our best aspirations.

Art and architecture to some may seem more frivolity than necessity, but I beg to differ. Great civilizations are judged on their aesthetics more than just their wealth or the power of their military. We remember their sculpture, their music, their writing, their philosophies and yeah, their architecture. And the reason for that is that these represent their values and aspirations in a manner that is both aesthetic and ennobling. Good art tells us who we are as a community and as a society.

Great art and architecture does something more. They contribute to the creation of a public place in the true democratic sense, they give dignity to our workplaces, to our schools and our courthouses with the hope that we might, through the sheer power of a collective aesthetic, inspire in ourselves and our children a vision of possibilities and dreams and higher aspirations. Myself, I don’t consider that a waste of money. Course, I might be slightly prejudiced….

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Mother Nature (audio)

Posted in audio versions ---- the talkies on July 19th, 2019 by skeeter

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Mother Nature

Posted in rantings and ravings on July 18th, 2019 by skeeter

The past month I’ve been watching a pair of eagles down at the Head sitting on two eggs and finally seen those eggs hatch. Two white fluffy furballs, barely the size of a golf ball. The last week the two adults have been leaving the nursery more and more often, no doubt convinced the crib is safe so long as they keep an eye on it from their perches in the firs up above. Good spot for babysitting duties and hunting for food. Crab seems to be high on the menu.

Yesterday I stopped by with a camera and the parents were out of the nest up in the trees. This time I only spotted one chick. When the mom flew in with some rapid clicks, only one stumbled over to her, so I assume something happened to its sibling. Crows maybe or just starved to death, who knows?

Couple of days ago I went down to Cama Park to see the elephant seal pup sleeping on the beach. God only knows where the mom was, but the 500 pound seal was seemingly doing okay, cordoned off from the park humans so it could molt and finally slip back out to the sea. Nice to think of us humans being protective….

Today I was down by the garden and those pesky wabbits were hopping all over the yard. I hid behind a plum tree and caught an unsuspecting bunny by the legs. It screamed its bunny scream and immediately momma came loping around the corner, circled closer and closer to me holding her wiggling baby. I sat still, bunny in my paws, close to the ground, curious what she would do. I know, kind of a cruel experiment. You may think a rabbit is a cowardly creature, fearful, timid, but trust me when I tell you she finally raced over to me and gave the hand holding her kid a good bite. Served me right. I let her pup loose and the two of them went back to hiding in the garden where they could bite my beans and lettuce.

Last week I had found a hummingbird nest hidden in the bough of a cedar tree near our outhouse. For a few days I would walk by and the sitting adult would jet out of the nest and wait for me to pass. But one day I noticed no bird exiting. Or the next. Or finally the subsequent days after. I presume the parents were missing in action. Just left two tiny eggs in a nest lined with moss and lichen that would never hatch.

A couple hours ago I was back to the eagles’ nest. This time I spotted the second chick being fed morsels of a fish the parents had caught. Talk about relieved. I guess watching these guys for a few weeks had given me a keen paternal interest in their welfare. When I first arrived I found a fellow birdwatcher, a woman crouched in the brush. “Excuse me,” she called out, “I’m taking a piss.” I told her I was moving right along, no problem. We ended up watching the eagles together.

“You live around here?” I asked. She said she was living in her car. Her father had lived on the island, but he had died and her sister had sold the house and kept all the proceeds. Her sister, she told me, had run off with her husband and now her ex and her sibling were trying to have her committed to a mental institution. We watched the eagles for about half an hour, waxed philosophic about birds and cheating husbands, then bid adieu. I said good luck with all this. She said things would work out. I sure hope so, I said. But between you, me, the rabbits and the hummingbirds, I sort of doubt it.

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Go Back to Where You Came From (audio)

Posted in audio versions ---- the talkies on July 17th, 2019 by skeeter

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Go Back to Where You Came From!!

Posted in rantings and ravings on July 16th, 2019 by skeeter

Direct from the bully pulpit, our Fearsome Leader has some advice for the liberal women who think he ought to be impeached and put behind bars: Go back to the hellhole countries you’re from. If you don’t like it, if you don’t like your President, go home and take your #MeToo attitudes with you!! Great advice from the man who claims he wants to unite the country.

I have a bandmate who’s half Ojibway Indian. She was sitting next to a woman recently who was ranting about the tribes in our area building malls and casinos, renting houses on their reservations, taking half the crabs and clams and salmon and she was fed up. Sick of these redskins and their un-American ways. As she got wound up, the madder she got until finally, exasperated, she says to my bandmate: Why don’t they go back where they came from!

If ignorance is bliss, we’re living in Paradise these days. My friend pointed out, probably quietly, that they have gone back to where they came from. She probably did not tell the lady next to her to maybe go back where she came from. Trump, of course, He Who Never Apologizes or Admits Wrong, doubled down today when the four Representatives explained they were actually from here, a place we call America. To assume these four women of color were from what he’s referred to as ‘shithole countries’ smacks of xenophobic racism. Trump excoriated by tweet that these women still need to leave and furthermore, clean up their despicable language. I looked up shithole and sure enough, it still is a vulgar term.

Since three of these Representatives were born in America, the other a war refugee, I can only assume Mr. T is calling the United States a shithole country. Give the man another four years and I think he’ll be proven right.

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