Property Rights

Posted in rantings and ravings on October 12th, 2023 by skeeter

Riding my non-electric bike around the Head today, I came across a small pile of firewood stacked on the side of the highway that read: FREE — TAKE ALL OR NONE. I have a friend who could use a little extra BTU’s for the coming winter, her own pile being a bit shy of warming her past Christmas, so I thought I’d drive my truck back when I got home, pick up half a cord and make a surprise delivery.

I arrived with my pickup and backed along the shoulder next to the pile, but before I was barely out of the cab a woman appeared out of her blacktop driveway riding a gas powered mini-tractor. ‘That’s on my property,’ she announced, which, since the sign said FREE, momentarily confused me. ‘Is it yours?’ I asked and she told me no, it was the neighbors’ but they’d piled it on her property instead of their own, apparently a territorial intrusion that perturbed her greatly. I said I would remove the offending wood post-haste, figuring this would alleviate her boundary dispute, but then she said I should move my truck to their side of the woodpile, more a demand than a suggestion, and although I considered explaining that the shoulder was actually neither hers nor her offending neighbor, it was county right-of-way, I decided to move the truck. Then … I don’t know, call it contrariness. Or maybe the imperial way she was acting, but … I decided why should I move the truck when I would be gone in five minutes, no harm done.

So I asked her highness, ‘What’s the problem if I just simply load the wood right here and be on my way? To which she responded that the shoulder was more level on the other side. This side was just as level, seemed to me without calling in a surveyor, so I decided to ask again, ‘What’s the issue here?’ The lady started to answer, harrumphed heavily, then threw up her hands and started up her go-cart to leave.

A better man might have let it go at this. A better man might have moved the truck to the other side. But that man, alas, is not me. I said, ‘Hold up!’ And remarkably she did. ‘I just want to know why it’s a big deal to you to make this some kind of confrontation.’ This flustered her and she seemed on the verge of forming an answer, if there was one, but finally gave a disgusted wave and motored down her asphalt drive toward her million and a half dollar manse, no doubt muttering to herself about low life, cruddy losers who have the temerity to park anywhere near her moatless mansion in some beat up truck wearing a beat up hat and addressing her with insolence On or Next To or Too Nearby her estate.

There was a time, long before m’lady or m’lord bought their palace, when the South End was a tad more neighborly, when we helped each other build additions or fixed plumbing or troubleshot car problems. We knew each other’s name and yeah, sometimes we didn’t get along. I guess we were all serfs back then, but happy serfs. Now we got the dukes and duchesses to show us our proper place where even the shoulder of the road is off limits. It won’t be long before they’ll toll us for the use of their highway too.

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Welcome to the New Dark Age (audio)

Posted in audio versions ---- the talkies on October 11th, 2023 by skeeter

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Welcome to the New Dark Age

Posted in rantings and ravings on October 10th, 2023 by skeeter

It’s that time of year again. Time for a Covid booster. Masks, zoom meetings, quarantines. Maybe even a flu shot. Time once again for all the conspiracy trolls to hit social media with horror stories of nano-trackers and autism babies. Science, the tool Big Government uses to control you!!

The Age of Reason is over, my friend. Logic is being swept aside for superstition. Rationality is the tool government uses to enslave you. History is propaganda. Ignorance is Strength. Freedom is Slavery. Doublespeak is back! Truth is a Ploy! Big Brother is Woke. Trust No One!

Vaccines don’t save lives, they kill more people than the disease itself. Doc Fauci was a monster. Science exists to subjugate the masses. Global warming is a hoax. The moon landing was faked. Lizard people rule the world. Chemtrails pour poison on you. Jews are starting forest fires using lasers from space. Obama is the anti-Christ. Democrats are abducting children for perversion and for snacks. The Sandy Hook slaughter was staged.

Make up a few of your own, why not? It’s fun and others on your social media will read it and take it to heart as gospel. Everything is wide open, subject to no fact checking, just take it for granted and if enough of us believe it, it must be true. Doubt everything, believe everything, it’s the new mantra of our era. Alternative facts! Skepticism is the new religion. Who ya gonna believe, me or your own eyes? Me, of course. Welcome to the New Dark Age.

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Qanon Alert (audio)

Posted in audio versions ---- the talkies on October 9th, 2023 by skeeter

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Qanon Alert

Posted in rantings and ravings on October 8th, 2023 by skeeter

Qanon Alert

This past week FEMA sent out an emergency alert test to every cellphone, TV and radio in the United States. If you think this was simply a test, you haven’t been tuning in to the higher frequencies, but thankfully, there are folks out there in social media land who do. They know what’s really going on and it isn’t some benevolent government agency just broadcasting a test emergency signal. Anything but!

For those unfortunates who had vaccines injected into themselves, here’s the bad news: that FEMA signal was actually an activator of the nano-particles the government slipped into the syringe. Once activated, pal, you will be under the control of big brother. You will be monitored and manipulated like the marionette you will become. Sorry, a great many of you will become actual zombies, maybe not the cannibal version but the living dead nevertheless.

But don’t think for a nano-second that’s all. These FEMA signals will shut down 5G communications, allowing Sleepy Joe and his evil minions to instigate a nationwide Lockdown. Those of you who were vaccinated will find that the signal also triggers a Kill-Switch in your central nervous system, yet another mechanism for control of the population. The days of freedom in the Yew-Ess-Aye are over, my friend. You will do as you’re told. Or else!

It’s been a few days since the test and I’ve been watching to see if my neighbors are showing signs yet of nano-particle activation, sudden flare-ups of deadly diseases, increased mortality rates, zombie-like walks along the highway, possibly even incarceration by government operatives. So far, not much. Maybe the activation is on a delay switch. Maybe they got the word and turned off their cellphones. Maybe none of them had the vaccinations. Or … maybe the test, the so-called emergency frequency test, was really a test to misdirect our attention away from something even more nefarious!! Stay tuned, the worst may yet be on its way.

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Keep Calm and Carry On (audio)

Posted in audio versions ---- the talkies on October 7th, 2023 by skeeter

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Keep Calm and Carry On

Posted in rantings and ravings on October 6th, 2023 by skeeter

Back in the good old days I used to enjoy the Stanwoodopolis Gazette’s letters to the editor when a couple of curmudgeonly right wingers would sound off almost every week with their loony rantings. Nowadays, of course, half the country is sounding off with internet trolling, whacky conspiracy theories, unhinged grievances and the megaphone of the insane. Occasionally, though, I find one that trumps the usual litany of the angry birds and this morning I read one that argued we do not need to reduce our carbon emissions.

The writer laid out his case by citing Cicero: “True Law is right reason in agreement with nature; it is of universal application, unchanging and everlasting.” Now you might be wondering how this applies to climate change, global warming and the existential threat they carry, but bear with me and our writer. Let’s bypass all the controversy over whether these are the result of human activity. Total waste of time. Because, you’ll see, True Law is photosynthesis. Plants need carbon dioxide to survive. If you reduce your carbon footprint, you hurt the plants. You hurt the plants and you screw up the balance between plants and animals. Simple as that. Is that crystal clear?

The Creator provided us with photosynthesis. If you try to reduce carbon emissions, you’re a fool, and as our boy Doug also says, “Every person should oppose this insane attempt to reduce carbon dioxide.” He says sagely that “there is no rational reason to violate the unalienable right of plants to have carbon dioxide.” There you go. Plants have rights! Inalienable rights. And if you take that away from them, you hurt the animals too. Plus us!

You really can’t argue with the logic Doug is presenting. True Law. Photosynthesis. Even got old Cicero on his team. Leave well enough alone, the world will be just fine. All I know is I hope Doug keeps sending those letters into the newspaper. The rest of my paper has gotten repetitive and boring. Meanwhile as Doug and the Brits say, Keep Calm and Carry On. Maybe breathe on your houseplants more often too.

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Cyber Rage (audio)

Posted in Uncategorized on October 5th, 2023 by skeeter

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Cyber Rage

Posted in rantings and ravings on October 4th, 2023 by skeeter

One of the hazards of scribbling nonsense in these 21st Century blog sites along with about one billion other yahoos is that there are folks out there who really – and I don’t mean maybe – REALLY don’t like what they read in Skeeter’s pantheon of purpled prose.  Maybe some search engine sends em by mistake, hooks on a key word, next thing you know, instead of a self-help forum, they got some chucklenut waxing profane about a subject they couldn’t care less about.  And now, instead of Helpful Tips from Tom on how to turn their unhappy life into something swallowable, they got precious time wasted scrolling down South End Babble and boy howdy, somebody needs to reimburse them!

So they write to me in the anonymity of the internet.  Which is the digital highway equivalent of road rage on the interstate.  Flip me off, swerve into my lane,  jam the brakes.  They’ll show me who’s who and what’s what.  And the best part: they’re untrackable, anonymous as drive-by shooters.  Splatter my windshield with shotgun pellets and don’t look back, just speed away to the next unlucky target.

These are some very Very ANGRY! people out there with us.  More than you think.  Way more.  I suppose we’re lucky they shoot from the lip, not the hip, but if you ever made the mistake of commenting on a forum or some issue that meant enough to you that you weighed in, then you probably learned firsthand what I’m talking about.  Civility is most definitely not a valued trait in Cyberville.

I’d like to see the volume and vitriol dialed back a bit.  I know, probably won’t happen, probably get ratcheted UP even more if anything,  But personally, I’m weary of the ranting, the hysteria, the apoplexy.  And hey, you, the guy who sells antiques and read the blog by mistake on cleaning out my storage shacks, maybe hoping for bargains:  I’m sorry you thought this offered no insights for living your life.  And I’m doubly sorry if you thought I was so self- centered I used the blog to make myself look attractive.  I guess we won’t be dating.

I don’t have anything to sell, pal.  Not the junk I cleaned out, not the ideas in my head.  And .. .sadly…. it sounds like we’re all a little late to offer you tips on living.  Let’s both just figure it out on our own.


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Walden Pond Lost (audio)

Posted in audio versions ---- the talkies on October 3rd, 2023 by skeeter

Hits: 20

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