Covid Vaccine Religious Exemption Questionnaire

Posted in rantings and ravings on September 20th, 2021 by skeeter

1. Do you believe the Bible commands you not to take vaccines?

2. Does God (or Allah or Buddha or the Quaker Oats man) make it a sin to inject foreign substances (other than horse de-wormer) into your body?

3. If you had to choose between saving the life of your grandparents or fighting for the freedom to fly a Confederate flag, which would you pick?

4. Are you more afraid of Dr. Fauci than the wrath of God?

5. Do you believe the Covid vaccinations are really a conspiracy to put tracking devices in you?

6. Do you think the smallpox scar on your arm is actually a Mark of the Beast?

7. Will you take ‘Q’ as your Lord and Savior? How about ‘P’ and Z’?

8. Is Tucker Carlson a prophet, yes or maybe?

9. Do you believe your faith will protect you from Covid or do you think Covid is a hoax?

10. If you answered Yes to any of the above, welcome to the Ministry of Naysayers. Your exemption will be in the mail along with a certificate of secret society membership. Please follow us on Facebook. And good health will follow!

Hits: 11

My Religious Covid Vaccine Exemption (audio)

Posted in audio versions ---- the talkies on September 20th, 2021 by skeeter

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My Religious Covid Vaccine Exemption

Posted in rantings and ravings on September 19th, 2021 by skeeter

Well, sir, it is a miracle, a MIRACLE! I tell ya, how religion has come to the unvaccinated. Now that the Governor of our fair state and the President of our In God We Trust country have mandated Covid shots for all government workers, suddenly the filings for personal exemptions have surged faster than the plague caseload itself. Cops, firefighters, social service workers, bus drivers, even nurses and doctors, all those folks who, for whatever reason before, ignored the pleas to please get a vaccination, please wear a mask, please maintain social distancing, now are petitioning the State or their employers to exempt them for … wait for it … religious reasons. Please, Mr. President, don’t make me take that inoculation. My religion opposes vaccines.

Somewhere in their Bibles or their Quran or maybe their Book of Mormon , there’s an admonition, probably punishable by eternal damnation, against injecting alien substances into their inviolable and holy selves. Nothing, probably, against horse dewormer, but a vaccine, no way! Against the will of God, an affront to Allah. Get back, Beelzebub!! The road to salvation is not littered with empty syringes, but the road to Hell must be, that much is certain.

Personally, now that I’ve befouled my mortal coil with god only knows what alien substances, I can’t, for the life of me, understand this antipathy for an immunity to a disease that has killed two thirds of a million of us and sickened more than 40 million, some who will suffer long term effects. If polio or smallpox made a resurgence, or some new flesh eating monstrous disease suddenly appeared, is this the response we would expect? Maybe Covid isn’t scary enough. Maybe the sight of strangers struggling to breathe on ventilators isn’t frightening to these folks. Maybe they haven’t had a relative die yet in an overloaded hospital, no visitors allowed, just a lonely isolated death. Maybe their imaginations can’t quite conjure that vision. Or … they just don’t give a damn. Maybe they need an Ebola virus that devours flesh and turns it putrid, something so godawful not even their religious beliefs would stop them from taking whatever nano-tracking, magnetizing, pregnancy ending vaccine was offered.

I give up understanding these people, I really do. And I won’t waste breath reasoning with them. I don’t think you can. So it’s fine with me to mandate getting a shot or getting fired, go work for Burger King. Be all right with me if clinics and hospitals refused to give these suddenly devout yahoos entry. You folks plugged our ICU’s, filled our wards, kept others from getting the care they need. Harsh, I know, and we won’t do that,but don’t ask for a religious exemption and don’t expect to get one. Your religion is a little thin and a bit newfound. Mine says respect life. And here’s one last piece of advice for you who have found holiness at this late date: Trumpism isn’t a religion. Probably just the opposite.

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J6 Trap!! (audio)

Posted in audio versions ---- the talkies on September 18th, 2021 by skeeter

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J6 Trap!!!

Posted in rantings and ravings on September 17th, 2021 by skeeter

That pesky, sneaky government of ours! All we wanted to do was have a rally, a legal constitutional demonstration for Justice for J6, all our people who were unjustly arrested January 6th for, well, merely being tourists. Peaceful tourists interested in visiting the Capitol Building and possibly the Senate chambers who got caught up in that police riot thing and later dragged in by the goons from the Justice Department who want everyone to believe Trump lost the election when we all know it was rigged from the start.

Now, thanks to our network of social media, we find out the government, the damn Feds, have set a trap for us. Go to the Capitol and we’ll be arrested on trumped up charges, no pun intended, hauled into their kangaroo court system and end up in some black hole like Guantanamo. Well, forget that! We’re not stupid, we’re patriots, and if we have to stay away from our own protest down in D.C., by god, that’s what we’ll do. Let the commie cops eat that! Nobody there to arrest, just more wasted government money.

No way we’re going to walk into that Capitol Building asking for Pelosi’s autograph. Last time we knocked politely at the Senate chambers asking to come in to watch the proceedings, they assassinated that poor woman, whatshername, who is a martyr to tourism, peaceful tourism, and the government tells us the murder was justified. You think we’re dumb enough to come in and ask to watch our Congress in action, maybe knock politely on those closed doors again? I don’t think so. Even the Proud Boys decided to stay as far away from this trap as possible and they’re not the brightest bunch. But don’t get me wrong, they’re on the Right Side, same as us, just a little more volatile. Not that I blame them but we all have to be careful now.

If we were smart we’d go down to D.C. with Black Lives Matter signs. They don’t mind them rioting all over the country, no sir, but us white folks, they shoot us like they shot that poor woman, what the hell was her name, pretty much minding her own business, just wanting to listen to her representatives there in the Congress. You think they’d have killed her if she was a minority? No way, they’d have let her and her posse right in the door, even held it open for them, hi, glad you folks came, take a seat anywhere. White lives don’t matter to the government, I can tell you that much.

Hell no we’re not going to march into their trap. We’re going to be smart this time, wait for the word to come down from Qanon or Tucker Carlson when it’s okay to protest this illegitimate government of ours. We know how to wait. Been doing it with this vaccination conspiracy and we’ll keep on doing it. We’re not stupid, I can tell you that right now, tell you that again if I have to. We’re not falling into any traps. No way!

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Unlike Anything I’ve ever Heard (audio)

Posted in audio versions ---- the talkies on September 16th, 2021 by skeeter

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Unlike Anything I’ve ever Heard

Posted in rantings and ravings on September 15th, 2021 by skeeter

Mike Pence said today, following Joe Biden’s speech about mandating all federal workers and employees in large businesses be vaccinated, that it was unlike anything he’d ever heard, total government overreach, damn that Joe Biden, who, apparently, isn’t as sleepy as once thought. This from the man who was as quiet as Clarence Thomas when Mike was Vice President to the Mouth. Politics, I know, are rough and tumble. So we can maybe forgive him for small hyperbole. Or, in my case, maybe not.

I don’t understand these latter day Trumpian Republicans, I really don’t. We have a resurgent pandemic and all they can offer for national solutions is … well, really, nothing. No masks, no vaccinations, no lockdowns, no school closures, just Business as Usual, as if businesses must survive even as they spread the disease. Open the beaches, put on the mega-concerts, play football, run the assembly lines, bag those groceries, carry on without masks or vaccines, don’t tread on my freedom!! Freedom to choose, they cry, but not when Texas wants to take away Choice down in the Lone Star state. You want to end your pregnancy, no way, girl, you don’t get a choice down there. They won’t wear a mask to prevent spreading an airborne disease, no sir, but they want control of your body. Pro-life, they call it. Pro-death, more like it when they mandate against vaccinations and masks.

Sleepy Joe said enough is enough. Patience is wearing thin. Obviously the naysayers aren’t going to wear a mask, they’re not going to get a shot, they’re not going to do much of anything to help the nation get a handle on this Covid epidemic, just let the hospitals overload, let the kids bring the variant home to ma and pa and the grandparents, let this thing kill a few more hundred thousand of us and maybe mutate to something even more virulent. I’m living in the Dark Ages here in medieval America, that much is obvious. Just take a horse de-wormer, you’ll be okay. Snake oil? Sure, take a double dose, you’ll be bullet proof.

I just lived through four years of Trump, NewsMax, Fox, Qanon, the oddest weirdness I ever want to live through again. If you thought this was a fine tonic to the liberal Hollywood, pro-choice, pro-vaxx, pro-mask, Black Lives Matter, LGBT, climate change believers, well, what can I say? You’ve got all the news you need. But don’t, no sir, do not tell us it’s unlike anything you’ve ever heard. Because for the past four years it’s all been nothing but crazy talk.

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Mr. Anti-Vaxx Bites the Dust (audio)

Posted in audio versions ---- the talkies on September 14th, 2021 by skeeter

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Mr. Anti-Vaxx Bites the Dust

Posted in rantings and ravings on September 13th, 2021 by skeeter

No less than three conservative radio hosts who ranted against the vaccines and the ‘scam-demic’ died of Covid this past month. My brother, an attorney, loved to tell the joke ‘What’s a dead lawyer in the middle of the road? Answer: a good start.’ Well, being a snowflake and all, a libtard bleeding heart who got vaccinated first chance I got, I can’t really gloat over the deaths of people who advocated not getting vaccinated. Unless they passed it on to their parents or their spouses or their kids, in which case, I might start believing in Karma.

Yesterday I got a chain letter from a fellow South Ender that was from the fire fighters union of North Snohomish. They were asking the governor to reconsider mandatory requirements for inoculations of these heroic First Responders, citing the argument that their courage during the pandemic was grounds for exempting them from government overreach. They had, they said, done their jobs without complaint. Other options should be considered rather than mandatory vaccinations. They had sacrificed enough, I reckon. Now the complaining starts ….

We’re in the midst of another surge in the coronavirus, hospitals filling up, respirators running out, more people dying. My first responders want to opt out if at all possible. Same with a lot of teachers. Same with a lot of other folks who see the pandemic as a scamdemic. Protests are starting to pop up around the state and the country, politics injected instead of a Covid vaccine into the local and national debate. Their departments will be shorthanded when the fireguyz who refuse to be inoculated are fired or quit in protest. Freedom fighters, really, see?

I say they have the right to take a hike. I’m sure there are plenty of opportunities for these heroes who think it’s perfectly reasonable to administer first aid to accident victims or transport the sick from nursing homes without being immunized. I’ve got a father who’s 98 in an assisted living situation. When he calls 911, I hope his rescuers aren’t going to give him Covid. But I can tell the firefighters and EMT’s that come to take him by ambulance to the nearest hospital, he doesn’t get a choice who answers the call. Their so-called freedom doesn’t work for him or any other victim. They don’t like it, I hear McDonalds is paying better these days.

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Nine Eleven (audio)

Posted in audio versions ---- the talkies on September 12th, 2021 by skeeter

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