Covid Vaccine Religious Exemption Questionnaire

1. Do you believe the Bible commands you not to take vaccines?

2. Does God (or Allah or Buddha or the Quaker Oats man) make it a sin to inject foreign substances (other than horse de-wormer) into your body?

3. If you had to choose between saving the life of your grandparents or fighting for the freedom to fly a Confederate flag, which would you pick?

4. Are you more afraid of Dr. Fauci than the wrath of God?

5. Do you believe the Covid vaccinations are really a conspiracy to put tracking devices in you?

6. Do you think the smallpox scar on your arm is actually a Mark of the Beast?

7. Will you take ‘Q’ as your Lord and Savior? How about ‘P’ and Z’?

8. Is Tucker Carlson a prophet, yes or maybe?

9. Do you believe your faith will protect you from Covid or do you think Covid is a hoax?

10. If you answered Yes to any of the above, welcome to the Ministry of Naysayers. Your exemption will be in the mail along with a certificate of secret society membership. Please follow us on Facebook. And good health will follow!

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