
Posted in rantings and ravings on June 20th, 2022 by skeeter



I remember watching the Watergate hearings pretty much every day back in the heydays of Nixon and his happy crew of ‘plumbers’.  Riveting stuff on my small TV.  An entire nation watched the hearings and when the secret tape recordings Tricky Dick kept under his desk came to light, well, this was more entertaining than any prime time cliff hanger mystery.  Times change, I guess, and now the Congressional hearings to determine the culpability of Donald J. Trump’s role in instigating the riots of January 6th are only watched by about a quarter of the public and only a quarter of us even follow the proceedings at all.


I guess we’re more interested in the Kardashians than what is looking more and more like a planned coup by the President to stay in power at any cost.  A coup, I would argue, that is still ongoing what with the Prez-in-Exile campaigning for MAGATS from sea to rising sea.  He’s raised 250 million dollars to stop the steal but mostly he’s raised 250 million dollars for Donald Trump.  There is no PAC for a Stop the Steal.  The man is nothing if not the world’s greatest con artist. And apparently there are plenty of suckers who would vote for him one more time.


A new poll today found that more than half of Republicans and more than half of Democrats think America will ‘cease to be a democracy’ in the future.  Happy days for Trump supporters, not so much for the rest of us.  But hey, why bother watching those Congressional hearings when the country is probably going down the toilet anyway?  So what if they can prove that Trump was actively promoting the insurrection?  Maybe he really thought the election was stolen.  Maybe he’s not a conspirator himself, just a deluded greedy narcissistic opportunist, mostly crazy but not culpable by reason of insanity.


I don’t know if the country will survive this treasonous monster.  I doubt the Dep’t. of Justice will bring charges to an ex-or exiled-President.  No man is above  the law, we keep hearing, but some men simply change the laws.



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Witch Hunt! (audio)

Posted in audio versions ---- the talkies on June 19th, 2022 by skeeter

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Witch Hunt!

Posted in rantings and ravings on June 18th, 2022 by skeeter

I thought I’d seen the bottom of the political pickle barrel with Nixon and the Watergate revelations, a President and his henchmen breaking into the opposition’s headquarters, then covering it up.  Nixon, crook that he was, was shamed into leaving office before he was impeached and convicted.  Eventually even the GOP cut him loose, convincing him he could go out on two feet or be dragged out by his nose.  Tricky Dick didn’t need a Weatherman to see which way the hurricane was blowing.


The January 6 hearings are slowly unraveling the plot to overturn the government, something Nixon would never have considered.  He just wanted to use dirty tricks to win, not conspire in a coup and a takeover.  Donald J. Trump is no Nixon.  Donald J. Trump is a criminal.  Piece by piece, the witch hunters have found their sorceress and uncovered his evil scheme.  When he heard that the mob he directed toward the Capitol was threatening to hang Mike Pence, he merely shrugged, suggesting that maybe that was what his VP deserved.  Ponder that a minute or 60.  The President of the United States unconcerned that a riotous mob might actually lynch Mike Pence, Vice President.  Maybe exactly what he deserved.  Roll that around on your tongue awhile.  Then consider what he told his second in command a few hours earlier, that he was weak, he was a wimp, he was a pussy.  Probably hanging was what he deserved.


Imagine for another minute or more the What If.  What if the mob had actually gotten hold of Mike the Wimp and hauled him out to the gallows, hoisted him up to the noose and with dozens of televison cameras and GoPros and countless cellphone videos recording the murder, hung him by his neck for America to watch.  Would half of us have agreed with his boss, the guy who wouldn’t declare Trump the winner of the election he’d lost, that he had it coming?  I suspect a lot of folks would have declared justice served.  That, I think, is the America we have become.  Those rioters in the Capitol building might well be the true face of a goodly portion of this country.


The question I have is this:  who are the real witch hunters?




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Vacation Blues (audio)

Posted in audio versions ---- the talkies on June 17th, 2022 by skeeter

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Vacation Blues

Posted in rantings and ravings on June 16th, 2022 by skeeter



Most of us red blooded freedom loving Americans hate to take a vacation, not because we are fun-averse, but because when we come back to the Job, we have to work doubly hard to catch up with all the unfinished bizness we left behind.  I should know, having just returned from a three week road trip cross country to find all the backlog waiting open jawed.  For the purpose of this lament, I’m going to skip the saga of the broken drain in the kitchen sink I’m still trying to repair.  You’ve heard enough plumbing nightmares from me to last a Maytag repairman’s lifetime.  Instead I’m going to focus on my little park across the island and the mudhole I left behind.


If you’ve missed the previous bitching about my county park guy telling me he was going to put my request at the bottom of his To-Do list because I’d complained that after two or more years I was sick and tired of my parking lot that was a complete mudhole hell after any rains, well, count yourself lucky.  Me, I just pretty much figured that car swallowing tarpit would have to stay the same, an invitation to vandals that nobody cared about this little pocket park so go ahead and trash the place.  But … to my surprise, I got a photo on the trip from a neighbor showing gravel had been spread over the parking lot, not really evenly or tamped down, but hellfire, better than tire-sucking mud any day of the week.


Turns out, though, someone, probably the county, had dumped the gravel and a good Samaritan neighbor got tired of looking at the little mountain of it so he drove his tractor down and spread the stuff.  All fine and dandy, you might think, but I think maybe the county might have planned to even out the craters, spread the thicker gravel next, then add the 5/8ths minus stuff on top, kind of a professional job.  Oh well, another South End attempt at do-it-yourself gone awry, which reminds me, I got that drain to fix later today.


Needless to say I’m waiting for the county to contact me now that I’m back, tanned and rested from our trip back east.  I’m expecting a pretty pissed off county guy to call any day now.  Course, I’m not answering phones.  And in the future I expect I won’t just get put at the bottom of the To-Do list, I’ll be on my own from here on out.  Sometimes you just can’t catch a break.  And you probably shouldn’t take vacations….

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Starving Artist (audio)

Posted in audio versions ---- the talkies on June 15th, 2022 by skeeter

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Starving Artist

Posted in rantings and ravings on June 14th, 2022 by skeeter

Starving Artist


When I was really poor and competing for public art projects, I would have to go to various states for finalist presentations, usually competing with 3-5 other poor saps hoping for the same lousy commission.  Once, on a project in Portland, Oregon, my arts commissioner recommended a ‘reasonable’ downtown hotel for me to stay at, probably 3 times what I’d ever spent on accommodations.  I told her, gee thanks, but I’ll find something more in my price range and she replied, “I don’t want you sleeping in your truck.”  I assured her I wouldn’t.


What I found, 20 or 30 miles outside Portland, was a $23 a night hellhole in Vancouver, Washington, a motel where, if you wanted a TV was $5 more.  If you wanted a shower, $5 more.  If you wanted a key, yeah, you guessed it.  I chose the basic plan, slid 23 bucks under the bullet proof glass in the stainless steel bowl below and took occupancy of my suite.  My neighbors, judging by the water bowls and dog dishes outside their doors, were long termers, Lifers, I’d have to say, one step away from homeless or sleeping in their cars, running or not.  The residents I met weren’t looking for hellos or companionship or even a drinking buddy.  They were folks who wanted to be left the hell alone.  Misery, by the way, does NOT love company.


I have stayed in plenty of fleabag flophouses in my day, none as cheap as this dive, but unlike the others, my life wasn’t threatened by surly neighbors on the great escalator down at this one the way it has been at some of the others.  When folks reach rock bottom, I guess aggression is one of those virtues they abandon along with hope.


In case you’re interested, I did not win the commission for the Portland Health Clinic even though I offered them a serious amount of glass for the project.  I lost to a person even my art liaison at the Washington Art Commission disdainfully characterized as ‘no artist.’  So I was out 23 smackers plus tax.  Gas, food and a helluva lot of pride.  I swore next finalist presentation, no matter what state, what country, whatever, I would just sleep in my truck at the nearest rest area.  You want to be an artist, forget about the Ritz.  Or even Motel 6 ….

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Rub a Dub Dub — 3 Men in a Tub

Posted in rantings and ravings on June 13th, 2022 by skeeter



So three of us yahoos decided it was High Time to go over to Pt. Townsend on the Peninsula and attend the Wooden Boat Festival there, us being South End boat builders and all. We had a 12 foot Pelican sailboat, plenty sound enough for the shipping channels of the Straits, we figured, so provisioned with a box of donuts, we set off in the fog. We could hear the container ships booming past but couldn’t see them — and worse, I’m sure they couldn’t see us either, even with radar. The Trident nuclear sub surfaced close by, way close enough to see, an evil black fish that no doubt hadn’t picked us up as anything more than flotsam.

By afternoon the sun had broken through and we found ourselves near the lighthouse of what we thought was Fort Worden, just outside Pt. Townsend, so we sailed south and came upon another lighthouse and now we realized we’d mistaken our location so we continued sailing around Indian and Marrowstone Islands well into the afternoon and finally arrived at Pt. Townsend way late. With a return trip yet to come …. And the fog threatening to descend again.

We ditched the boat on the beach and hoofed into the marina. Whereupon we come upon a Pelican in the show, the homeliest boat moored up, so naturally I asked what the hell kind of duck is this thing you got berthed?? Which prompted a lively response from its proud owners and after they’d settled down a bit, I asked what was it they liked about an ugly scow like this? The water was frothing at near boil but one of the sailorboys said, “I’ll tell you what’s great about a Pelican. It can’t be sunk!”

“Can’t be sunk?” I howled. “Can’t be sunk?? Really?” And he proceeded to tell the tale of a Pelican that had capsized the last summer off the coast of Lummi Island in a storm and when help arrived, two men were rowing it while it was completely full of water! Captain Larry was practically dancing a jig on the dock pointing at me and smirking. “That was him! He flipped his boat up there last year. It’s him. It’s him!!”

“Will you pipe down a minute,” I commanded, realizing my fun with these buccaneers was over and we were embarked on different seas of mirth. “What color was the boat? Where exactly? How’d they get to shore?” To which they pretty accurately recounted my sad little nautical escape that previous summer and so I fessed up. “But,” I said, “we basically sunk. We were completely under water. More flotation under the decks,” I advised. “And a motor that won’t drag the transom down like mine did.”

Well, it’s a small world apparently, and we might have stayed for some partying and sea shanties and late night sailor lies, but the fog had returned and we still had to head back out into the shipping lanes. We went to the marina store for supplies, ascertained we had $8 between all three of us and now, a Hard Decision needed to be made. Should we buy a navigational chart? A compass? Something to eat? $8 leaves not a whole lot of options.

Being the Salty Dogs we were, we made the Hard Choice, the one a less experienced crew might eschew, the one not in the Sailor’s Manual. We grabbed a 6 pack of beer and sailed into the sunset — well, if the fog hadn’t blotted it out —three mariners moving darkly into wooden boat mythology, fearless as idiots in a dangerous dream, never to be seen in Pt. Townsend again. No doubt they recount that voyage yearly at the Festival. “Aye, the lads are out there still,” they whisper in hushed voices around the beach campfires, “ sailing in the boat that cannot sink. God rest their souls….”

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Rub a Dub Dub — 3 Men in a Tub (audio)

Posted in audio versions ---- the talkies on June 13th, 2022 by skeeter

Hits: 22

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A New Day on the South End (AUDIO)

Posted in audio versions ---- the talkies on June 12th, 2022 by skeeter

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