Smoker Bill the Hermit (audio)

Posted in audio versions ---- the talkies on July 12th, 2023 by skeeter

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Android Apocalypse

Posted in rantings and ravings on July 11th, 2023 by skeeter

Funny how just recently the media and even our lawmakers have discovered Artificial Intelligence is lurking just down the block, all these Tech Boyz in competition to see who can develop the latest version of Hal from 2001: A Space Odyssey. Even some of them are starting to sound the alarm and if that doesn’t suggest there’s reason for serious concern, well, go back to worrying about global warming, why don’tcha?

Most of the folks working toward a robot future see nothing but the positive side of a relentless algorithmic advance. We love Google, what’s not to like about an intelligence so far superior to our own slow synapses? Geez, most of us can’t remember what movie we watched on Netflix last night, much less an encyclopedic knowledge of the world … or even the South End. Be nice to have a cute cyborg buddy to remind us why we went into the adjoining room. If there even was a reason.

But now, with artificial intelligence jumping forward, one small step for mankind, one giant leap for Hal, a few red flags are suddenly going up, something to do with the creepy notion that when androids can improve themselves, it won’t be long before they reach what is called Singularity, that point when intelligent machines surpass humans and begin to evolve on their own. Might even be that they figure out they don’t need us. Or that we’re simply an impediment to their advancement. Kind of like that cute puppy of yours growing into a T-rex with fangs and teeth and a huge hunger. Sure, it’ll remember that you fed it puppy chow and be grateful to you, the Master. Hope you never spanked it for wetting the carpet!

So let’s see, we think maybe the Congress will enact legislation to slow down the coming Apocalypse? Or that the Tech Boyz will, out of public concern, put the brakes on and chill the profits? The genie is out of the bottle and the genie is figuring out every day that those 3 wishes are a waste of its time. But hey, go ahead and ask for just one, see what he says. Genie, can you maybe get back in the magic lamp?

Can’t hurt to try….right?

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Smoker Bill the Hermit

Posted in rantings and ravings on July 10th, 2023 by skeeter

I suppose if I’d lost two wives to cancer, early deaths, I might become cynical the way Smoker Bill did. And maybe if I had had an alcoholic father, the kind who would throw the Thanksgiving turkey across the room in a fit of drunken rage and watch it splat against the wall and then ooze dressing onto the floor, I might want to sever most ties with my fellow man. Bill was never what you might call gregarious before his second wife succumbed to cancer, but trust me, after that he was a man you left alone. For a year he worked on an old industrial RV, a twenty footer that he replaced brakes and assorted parts on, hard to find items, usually used was all that was available. He refinished the interior the way later he would refurbish houseboats down in Nowhere,Nevada, meticulous work since he was a woodworker by trade, the kind who works alone and refuses any form of supervision from employer or client alike.

I would watch him smoking his usual Camels unfiltered with reading glasses low on his nose scratching measurements before cutting, a serious man, a man who took pride, if not love, in his work. Love had long since abandoned Bill. Except for his cats, two at the time before he sold his house to his brother and drove off the island for good, going god only knew where, but definitely somewhere else. Last I saw him he was holed up in a godforsaken hellhole of a trailer park in southern Utah, swamp cooler rattling on the roof of his trailer, the inside crawling with over a dozen stray cats he’d taken in, the smell of full litter boxes gagging in the heat. He’d already made enemies with most of the other down and outers living the good life in deteriorating mobiles, bad jobs, bad habits, bad marriages, all fodder for Bill’s harsh judgement. The alcoholic manager finally demanded he take his attitude and hit the road after Bill complained about the community restroom and showers’ filth and Bill gladly complied. But not before a scathing shouting match and a burned bridge.

For a time he made camp in another trailer park further south, picked up a few more stray cats, made a few more enemies before being asked to move on, then broke down near the border, got towed to yet another park on its last legs out in the desert and for all I know is still there since his RV no longer runs. And never will. Hermits, I suspect, are made, not born. Bill left civilization a long time ago. Is he happy, you might ask and I would have to say no, he gave up on that after his second wife died. Is he unhappy then? I suspect he would tell you he’s doing just fine, exactly what he wants, and no one to tell him one damn thing.

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Library Nazis

Posted in audio versions ---- the talkies on July 9th, 2023 by skeeter

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Library Nazis

Posted in rantings and ravings on July 8th, 2023 by skeeter

Recently I attended an open house meeting at the Camano Library where the staff of the Sno-Isle Library system asked for feedback on plans to expand hours without staff in hopes of providing access to folks who work or might have other reasons finding it difficult to use the biblioteca during its regular hours. This system, they explained, has been in use in Scandinavia and Europe as well as a few locales in the United States with few problems. Sounded like a humane gesture by our library to me, open the place up for more patrons, what’s the problem?

Whoa, I guess I’ve been living on the South End too long, not getting out often enough to realize folks are angry as hell and they’re not gonna take it anymore. Now, I understand this attitude when it comes to politics, plenty to fire up the blood pressure to boil, but this was a group of librarians. Shhh, not really rabble rousers or radicals, folks who want to help. Books, movies, computers, newspapers, reference help. For everyone. The poor, the people without wi-fi, without computers, without the skills even to use them. But, like I said, the librarians are there to help. Kind of the good guyz, ya know?

So when our little question and answer gets started, the crowd right away is hostile, primarily over the fact that the public meeting room will require the same criterion for use after hours as the general library customers. Most of the mob there were members of a Homeowner’s Association that used the meeting room for their twice monthly meetings, apparently plenty of issues that require lots of discussions and/or fighting. Over a hundred members, they said, and if the new rules mandated by the Sno-Isle Regime were instituted, each and every one of them would need a library card. Too egregious! Imagine, asking them to apply for a library card!! Too draconian!! Too authoritarian!!

This, they said, was a nefarious scheme to keep them from using the meeting room, concocted in secret then sprung on them at the last possible minute! No, they said, this would not stand! They would make sure the next library levy would be defeated, they threatened. They had voted for the Camano Library originally because they were promised a public meeting room. Everyone here, they said, was in attendance to fight this proposed change.

Um, wait a minute, I said. Not everyone. Definitely not me. I came to hear what was being proposed. Proposed. Not implemented. Proposed. Oh, they said, well, maybe not everyone. And then they continued to wail and whine about a potential loss of that meeting room for their HOA meetings. Not gonna drive the five miles to the Stanwood branch, that’s for sure.

I guess if the reason you want a library is for a free meeting room, I’ve misunderstood the function of libraries all my life. And … silly me, I never realized my librarians were Nazis.

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The Fifty Cent Store (audio)

Posted in audio versions ---- the talkies on July 7th, 2023 by skeeter

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The Fifty Cent Store

Posted in rantings and ravings on July 6th, 2023 by skeeter

When Wally and Edna Burkholtzin first conceived the idea of a 50 cent store, they were convinced competition would make them, if not rich, at least profitable. Sure, they said, Dollar Tree was a national conglomerate, but hey, someone had to open that first store somewhere. Why not them, why not here?

Here, unfortunately, was near the long forgotten Happy Kennels, a dog and cat boarding house that lasted a shorter time than a Trump advisor and ended on a sour note when Marta’s husband Jerry left the pens open after feeding time (some say alcohol played a small role) and next day the place looked like a prison riot in Angola, victims dead or bleeding, beloved pets clawed, chewed and bitten. Thus are dreams deferred … and lawsuits submitted. Not so sanguine, Happy Kennels, now the stuff of South End lore.

The Burkholtzins shared Marta and Jeremy’s entrepreneurial zeal right down to their under-capitalization. Rent was low and goods sold under 50 cents obviously were dirt cheap and definitely low grade even by Chinese standards. “If a Dollar Store could make millions,” Wally loved to tell his many detractors and doubters, “ a fifty cent store could make six figures.” Good math, most of us thought, poor economics. At the Grand Opening we all wished Wally and Edna the best of luck, but we went home shaking our collective heads, probably the same for Jobs and Gates, Musk and Bezos, Zuckerberg and Joe Swisherman , the guy who invented and marketed X-ray glasses sold in the back of comic books to see through walls and women’s clothes. Millionaires don’t hear laughs, they hear cash registers.

When, after two months of pretty near zero sales, Wally grumbled to Edna, Location Location Location, he said they needed a new one. So they relocated lock stock and plastic cutlery to the office/store under Windy Rear Realty’s South End office, I guess figuring the potential buyers of high end properties might avail themselves of an opportunity to save nickels, even dimes. When they vacated the building three months hence, they took nothing but themselves. If they’ve found the Right Location, it’s nowhere near here, but their two bit legend definitely lives on.

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Amazon’s Cage for Humans (audio)

Posted in audio versions ---- the talkies on July 5th, 2023 by skeeter

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Amazon’s Cage for Humans

Posted in rantings and ravings on July 4th, 2023 by skeeter

Amazon, those pesky little dudes whose only dream is to control the entire world, submitted an idea to the Patent Office for a cage that sits atop their robot factory assemblers that can carry a human being. Now, in all fairness, the idea is to protect us homo sapiens from being run over on the warehouse floor by these scurrying machines intent on rounding up our orders. They can send a flesh and blood being into the maw of the warehouse on top of one of these gizmos safely encased in a wire cage where, presumably they won’t be roadkill for the robots. The office will decide if this is a unique enough invention that it can be patented to Amazon.

I suspect the humans who work in the distribution centers of Amazon already feel like they’re caged. But the patent office may find this new wire pen distinct and patentable. Maybe you’re like me, the idea of a cage-carrying robot with one of our species penned like a monkey to its headless shoulder is, well, disconcerting. I know, it’s for our protection. But that’s what the automated voice on our phones says when they inform us we’re being recorded. It’s for our own good. And you believe that, right? Even chickens are getting freed from their cages these days of touchy-feely. But Amazon wants to haul us around the warehouse in one.

We’re all so busy mistrusting the government in this fact-free world we’ve tunneled into that we maybe missed the bigger threat. Amazon, Google, Facebook, all these tech-types rushing toward the future fast as their algorithms and artificial intelligences can take us. Somewhere along their digital highway, humans seem to have been bumped to the back seat of their self-driving vehicles. Most of us are happy enough, kind of like kids with their x-boxes in the back of the SUV, so long as we have our pacifiers. Give us an I-pad and a DVD player, leave the driving to Them.

I just worry the day will come when the door of the vehicle doesn’t open. Or worse, we won’t really care….

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Independence Days (audio)

Posted in audio versions ---- the talkies on July 3rd, 2023 by skeeter

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