Android Apocalypse (audio)

Posted in audio versions ---- the talkies on July 13th, 2023 by skeeter

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Android Apocalypse

Posted in rantings and ravings on July 11th, 2023 by skeeter

Funny how just recently the media and even our lawmakers have discovered Artificial Intelligence is lurking just down the block, all these Tech Boyz in competition to see who can develop the latest version of Hal from 2001: A Space Odyssey. Even some of them are starting to sound the alarm and if that doesn’t suggest there’s reason for serious concern, well, go back to worrying about global warming, why don’tcha?

Most of the folks working toward a robot future see nothing but the positive side of a relentless algorithmic advance. We love Google, what’s not to like about an intelligence so far superior to our own slow synapses? Geez, most of us can’t remember what movie we watched on Netflix last night, much less an encyclopedic knowledge of the world … or even the South End. Be nice to have a cute cyborg buddy to remind us why we went into the adjoining room. If there even was a reason.

But now, with artificial intelligence jumping forward, one small step for mankind, one giant leap for Hal, a few red flags are suddenly going up, something to do with the creepy notion that when androids can improve themselves, it won’t be long before they reach what is called Singularity, that point when intelligent machines surpass humans and begin to evolve on their own. Might even be that they figure out they don’t need us. Or that we’re simply an impediment to their advancement. Kind of like that cute puppy of yours growing into a T-rex with fangs and teeth and a huge hunger. Sure, it’ll remember that you fed it puppy chow and be grateful to you, the Master. Hope you never spanked it for wetting the carpet!

So let’s see, we think maybe the Congress will enact legislation to slow down the coming Apocalypse? Or that the Tech Boyz will, out of public concern, put the brakes on and chill the profits? The genie is out of the bottle and the genie is figuring out every day that those 3 wishes are a waste of its time. But hey, go ahead and ask for just one, see what he says. Genie, can you maybe get back in the magic lamp?

Can’t hurt to try….right?

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