Rush to Judgement or Just a Rush to a Judge

I know we’re in a hurry to confirm Kavanaugh as our next right wing Supreme Court Justice, damn the torpedoes, and I know you know that as a card carrying Trump denier I’d like to see the proceedings held up the way the McConnell crowd held up the Garland Merrick hearings until the next election nearly a year later and here we’re only talking a few weeks. Politics isn’t pretty, not for either side, and okay, it’s sausage making time again on the Hill. But c’mon, this isn’t the Clarence Thomas cover-up again, is it? Not after the #MeToo Movement.

I guess you think maybe this was old news, some attempted rape back in the ‘80’s, just a drunk rampage the Judge says he doesn’t remember and his accomplice doesn’t either. Boyz having some fun, underage drinking and a little non-consensual sex, what’s the harm? The female classmates of the victim — yes, let’s call her the victim — wrote a letter for the White House declaring Brett was a good kid. Crimes usually aren’t voted on in America except maybe for O.J. Simpson. Was the perpetrator liked on Facebook 65 times? Well, okay, one rape, 65 Likes, hmm, guess he’s good to go as Supreme Court Justice. Gimme a break. The woman took a lie detector test, for cripe sakes. And passed. She has medical records from years ago chronicling the trauma this event caused her. Thanks, all 65 of you who have no direct experience with this rape, for sticking up for the guy. And you wonder why women don’t come forward when this happens to them????

I can remember the Anita Hill circus trial. The old white guyz eviscerated her on national television. Some of those gentlemen still sit on the Judicial Committee. And Clarence Thomas is still sitting on the Court without ever asking a question. Clarence’s mizzus recently demanded an apology from Anita Hill. Before long we’ll have Kavanaugh’s wife asking the same from Christine Blasey Ford. This is the state of partisan politics in America today. Justice? Get a grip. Justice died the same sorry death Truth did in the Truth Justice and the American Way mantra. The American Way, sorry to say, is a mess.

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4 Responses to “Rush to Judgement or Just a Rush to a Judge”

  1. Rosemary Says:

    Republicans are writing their own epitaph with this one.

  2. skeeter Says:

    I’m all too happy to help dig the grave….

  3. Rick Says:

    Halloween comes earlier every year. There are some scary men fumbling their way around the Senate who will decide our next Supreme Court justice. On TV about half of them look like old white skeletons, the other half with a little more zip, somewhat lifelike, resembling ghosts as they float around the screen and drift repetitiously through their prepared comments.

    I remember when I was a kid, occasionally we’d just throw an old white sheet over our heads, cut in some eye holes and head out for trick & treat. That was before the costume may have been confused with a similar look preferred by the KKK, then, over time, it became a Halloween fashion faux pas.

    How far we’ve come. These days you could go retro, throw on a sheet and get complimented by good folks on either side of the street in your neighborhood, Good People, both sides, putting the hood back in neighborhood again, applauding your wonderful Grand Wizard costume. “Or were you going more for a Grand Dragon look, dear?”

  4. skeeter Says:

    They don’t just look like old white skeletons, they ARE old white skeletons. I know this: they scare the bejabbers out of me. And unless I miss my guess, the Ford accuser is scared too to be interrogated by ghouls and ghosts from Anita Hill’s Halloween fright night. Whatever happened to the notion of term limits?? And if that doesn’t work, how about we put Halloween to rest. RIP

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