Post-Election Partum

So you thought you’d take a break from politics the day after the elections, did you? Sure you did, but you forgot, the Trumpster never takes a break, the Trumpster never sleeps, the Trumpster is the Energizer Bad Bunny of America. Like those sci-fi creatures from the ‘50’s, he cannot exist without your attention. He feeds on your horror at every tweet, at every dog whistle, at every misogynistic slur. Avert your eyes for a few days and he’d dissolve in a puddle of his own slime like the Wicked Witch of the West after a bucket of cold water.

Get ready for another two years. They don’t call it Mid-Term for chuckles. Halfway through our national ordeal. Expect some cabinet shake-ups. Some firings. Some name calling. Another Saturday Night Massacre. Get ready for a stand-off at the border with the zombie caravan trudging north. Gear up for a little saber rattling with Iran and more of that loveable John Bolton, the guy who loves a good ground war. If you thought the Blue Wave might shut these folks down for awhile, you’ve been out of the country for too long on some cruise ship to Antarctica.

The Trump/Bannon paradigm is to use tweets the way a mass killer uses an AR-15. Careful aim isn’t what matters, what matters is keeping the trigger finger engaged. Given enough time and ammo, the splatter spray will bring a building down. Congressional hearings will take months, investigations will take years, Mueller may be fired … but meantime the ricocheting tweets and executive orders will be a constant barrage on the 24/7 news cycle. The man is a human whack-a-mole, popping up here, popping up there, popping up everywhere.

He didn’t lose those elections yesterday. He never loses. And we didn’t win any yesterday. There is no winning with this guy in office. Buckle up, the ride isn’t anywhere near over.

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3 Responses to “Post-Election Partum”

  1. Rosemary Says:

    Over on Twitter, Seth Abramson made a really good case that this election has turned out far better for Dems than the press (or Trump) will ever say. But you’re right, we’re in for a rough ride the next couple of years.

  2. skeeter Says:

    Rough ride for the Trumpster too! Course, now he’s got Pelosi to kick around again if he needs more scapegoats than CNN and the failing fake news media.

  3. Rick Says:

    Yes, our 2018 Dickensian Midterm Election:

    It was the best of times, it was the worst of times… it was the epoch of belief, it was the epoch of incredulity…

    Here’s my take on the most favorable outcome possible from yesterday’s election results. Winter is coming, the Dems prepare a blizzard of subpoenas for The President. They send him a brief synopsis, and offer a week for review by his attorneys and their assessment.

    Even Trump can see it’s bad. Reality settles in and sparks flicker around the dimming reality star. A period of what will be called “bi-partisanship” settles over our nation’s capitol, as the the House of Representatives extracts as many concessions from the executive branch (with the West Wing’s implicit encouragement of the Senate to play along), while various investigations are pushed one by one on the back burner.

    Everybody gets a little something. By the time 2020 rolls around, Trump is viewed by his base as the emasculated bootlicker of Nancy Pelosi, and even White Nationalists can’t hold their noses long enough to vote for him.

    In January 2021 President Elizabeth Warren is sworn in.

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