Christmas in America

A Wisconsin glass making company that specializes in drinking glasses with an actual bullet imbedded in their sides has forgone the usual Christmas bonus and offered each employee, instead, a handgun. I personally am all IN on this as THE perfect holiday gift, especially in Wisconsin, my old hunting ground where the Packers and deerslaying are the unofficial state pastimes. And really, what says Christmas more eloquently than a pistol? What was it Jesus said, turn the other cheek but carry a concealed weapon? Something like that, if memory serves me.

I suppose if you’re the type of holiday shopper who might enjoy the humor in a wine glass with a .45 slug sticking out the flute, you probably aren’t troubled by Glock Christmas bonuses. And if you work at the factory, well, all the merrier. Now you can take out your co-worker issues with something more than spit and curses. Although the boss declared that he was pretty happy about a fully armed workforce. You want to go postal on that factory floor, you might want to think twice. Or get an AR-15 with a bump stock to even the odds. Maybe next year’s bonus.

I got a few friends who blow glass for a living. Art glass, they call it. The bullet drinking glass company probably calls theirs art too. Martial arts, anyway. And if you look up their product line like I did, you’d have to admit there’s a statement in their work that might qualify as artistic if they wanted to promote it that way. It’s a free country, so they tell me, and if a company wants to sell beer mugs with a slug poking through their sides, who am I to object. We’re a violent society, we all know that, so what’s wrong with making Christmas less about yuletide carols and a little more, oh, stand your ground. Something about a warm gun that just speaks Christmas these days.

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