Those Adorable Deplorables

Maybe you’re like me, wondering how anyone in half their right mind could vote for a crook like Trump. Sure, there’s plenty of folks out there who love a popular racist, I get that, and plenty who would like to grab women by their genitals, figuring it’s forever frat time in America. Locker room talk, right? And yeah, some of the trolling on the internet is viciously nasty misogyny, but it’s probably just some acne-pocked 400 pound kid in his folks’ basement acting out, nothing to worry about once his hormones even out. Not like he really would rape his target.

I got friends who voted for Trump. They’re not racists or homophobes. I wouldn’t call them adorable exactly, but I wouldn’t say they were deplorable either. Some are just hardcore Republicans hoping to get a tax break, the usual stuff. They sure weren’t going to vote for Hillary and definitely not for Bernie. Some are evangelical or some other religion mostly in the Christian camp. They think abortion is murder and they think a woman’s place is in the kitchen and gays, well, they should get some bootcamp intervention to figure out their mixed up attractions. Sure, Trump is a fallen Christian but forgiveness is divine and by God, they’re willing to forgive and forget. Hillary, not so much. After all, she forgave her man for those intern indiscretions and they didn’t. There’s a difference, but don’t ask me what it is.

And I can understand how in America some people are enamored of their TV reality stars. American Idol, the Apprentice, the new folk heroes. Richest guy in the world, right? Most successful business man they almost know. Okay, they probably don’t know how many times he went bankrupt, how many folks he left holding the bag, how the banks saved his bacon to save theirs, how the Russians loaned him money and expected a little quid pro quo. It’s how business works, it’s how the rich get rich, it’s what they’d do themselves if they had the chance. Big deal. Yeah, Big Deal!

If you were poor … or unemployed … or making minimum wage, you might want someone to blame. Government maybe. Immigrants for sure. Radical Muslims, you bet! NAFTA and NATO, China and the Democrats, welfare cheats and Hollywood, bad!!! And if some smooth talking famous rich guy told you he thought the same thing, government’s screwing you, you might roll the dice too. Like he told the blacks last election, whaddaya got to lose? Maybe they’ll eventually ask themselves that. And discover the answer is Plenty.

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