The Real Government Shutdown

It’s the start of the 4th week of the shutdown, what Trump was originally ‘proud’ to own, but now, not so much. He’s trying to sell it to the Democrats, but they’re a little busy setting up subpoenas and investigations to consider the Master Dealer’s offer to sell them swampland. Mitch McConnell is AWOL, probably hiding in a bunker somewhere beyond cellphone reception, so that leaves Lindsay Graham to speak for the Senate. And yeah, it’s a sad day in America.

And going to get a lot sadder, sooner, not later, but probably later too. The Trumpster is cornered. Cohen, his personal attorney will soon be testifying before Congress, taxes will be subpoenaed, Deutsch Bank records will be too, the translator between the President and his hero Putin will be asked for those transcripts when everyone else cleared the room, the walls are closing in. Even Fox News is turning on the guy. Yesterday a Fox interviewer asked him straight out if he colluded with the Russians and why did he meet with Putin alone then hide the transcripts. The chickens are coming home to roost.

Trump is finally lawyering up. 17 attorneys and counting, but let’s not include Giuliani, a disgrace to lawyers of any ilk and trust me, that’s saying a lot. No, Trump realizes it’s Firing Time and there’s really only one candidate for the Ax. So … what will he do? I mean other than Tweet and Rant. He could, for instance, declare a National Emergency for that crisis we got on the border, keep our minds off the investigations. Or he could attack Iran. Wag the Dog!! Or, if today’s tweets are any indication, he could destroy Turkey’s economy if they attack the Kurds in Syria now that he’s announced we’re pulling out and abandoning our most committed allies there. The possibilities are numerous and why pick just one? Trade wars, broken alliances, troop pullouts in Syria and Afghanistan, the man is at his best when he’s changing the subject. Today he was going after Elizabeth Warren’s father. Staying on subject is not the Donald’s strongest suit, but misdirection is.

One thing is certain, nothing is going to get accomplished by this government until Trump is impeached or driven from the White House or just decides it’s high time to decamp and start the Trump News Broadcasting Station. Government is in Shutdown until then.

Personally, I think we got a very real crisis. Inside our own border. Time maybe to declare a National Emergency.

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4 Responses to “The Real Government Shutdown”

  1. Rick Says:

    It sure is bad news all around. We’re surrounded by it, bombarded from morning to night, with the incoming heaviest during Trump’s three hour work schedule.

    It’s times like these when fake news in DC brings a little joy into our hearts and imagination, the faux Washington Post announcing today loud and clear across the swamp – – UNPRESIDENTED:

  2. skeeter Says:

    The British are having a jolly good whack at governing across the pond and today some of the conservative MP’s put forward a plan to re-vote the entire mess. Start all over and hope the discontented citizenry who clamored to chop their own noses off might be ready to rethink it. Or go for some government sponsored plastic surgery if a hasty exit from the EU drags them into recession or worse. The Democrats on this side of the pond might be thinking the same thing, offer up a ‘referendum’ to revoke the Trump vote. What all us Yanks ought to be afraid of is that the citizenry, the angry rabble, the deplorables or whatever we want to label them, might just vote the same way. Maybe we should give our own folks Option B. No President for the next two years. Back in the ’70’s I used to keep two bumper stickers. One was EAT THE RICH, the other VOTE FOR NOBODY. I guess it’s true, the more things change, the more they stay the same. Bring back the ’60s, I say. Peace and Love, Drugs and Protest, Sex and Rock and Roll. Sympathy for the Devil.

  3. Rick Says:

    Yes, if only we could invoke the 25th Amendment and go Unpresidented for a couple a years. But how to get him to go gentle into that good night? Perhaps Hollywood could come to our rescue and set up a White House sound stage, complete with body doubles subbing as Administration officials. They probably don’t get to talk much generally, so should be easy to fake ‘em with just the right amount of head bobbing.

    Put Trump in there, make it a reality show called The West Wingnut, and use revenues as an offset the cost of his spiraling tax cut giveaway.


  4. skeeter Says:

    West Wingnut, great idea. You should immediately contact Netflix and get this thing lined up, sketch out a pilot, call Stevie Bannon for help directing and help explaining to Donald the money he could make in these last two years would buy him 6 Trump Towers in Moscow. This is Yuge! And you, sir, could go down in the annals of history as the man who saved a nation from itself. Another 20 episode series! More $$$$ than you ever dreamed. And … the best part: you could run for President in 2024. And win. Win big. Winning so much that, yeah, you’ll grow tired of it. The price you pay for a face on Rushmore.

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