Sending Those Huddled Masses to San Francisco

It’s time, apparently, to move the Statue of Liberty to Alcatraz and set up a new Ellis Island on our western shores in the San Francisco harbor. Actually, we won’t be needing an Ellis Island if the President gets his way. A week ago he announced the U.S. was full up, no more room, put up the NO TRESPASSING sign, build the walls, send out a tweet we don’t need no stinking immigrants, at least not those of color. But … hold the presses! This week he’s floating a brand new idea (surprised?) to put all those caravans of rapists and drug dealers and con artists congregated at our southern border and ship them by bus to those liberal bastions of anti-Americanism, the Sanctuary Cities.

Serve em right, these mouthy do-gooders who complain about the Wall and about ICE and about separating kids from parents. Show em who’s boss. See what they say then? Sure, they claim they’d welcome these immigrants, put them to work shoring up their economies, make them hard-working citizens. Oh right, the Prez sez. Okay, bring it on!

Well, sir, I say do it! Take the pressure off those border towns that are being overwhelmed by amnesty seekers with court backlogs extending past the next election cycle. But then you have to shut up about no more room. You have to acknowledge that you never had an immigration policy beyond simply shutting the gate. You have to admit you really don’t mind an open border so long as these migrants go to blue states. Immigration was just red meat, wasn’t it, for the folks who need to blame someone for what went wrong in rural America as we move into a digital future?

Just do it, Mr. Mouth! Send these folks to San Francisco, New York, Philadelphia and Seattle. In a week they can go pretty much wherever they want. Maybe get a name or two, height, weight, date of birth, then adios, amigos! With some luck they’ll spread into the onion fields of Georgia, the cherry orchards of New York, the construction sites of every state in the Union, the garment shops of L.A. Nothing much will change but at least, at the very least, we can look forward to a different topic than the Wall. Might be a good change of pace to go back to Benghazi or the Witch Hunt. A breath of fresh air, maybe not, but at least some consistency. Insanity gets ever so tiresome.

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