Pandemic Attack

Another day, another Covid report. I notice I’m losing track of time, the days, the weeks, even the month, all just slipping by without signposts to mark some new event, a vacation maybe or a wedding or a birthday party for friends. Even the statistics of new cases and more deaths just seem drearily the same. And when the President tweets that this will just fade away shortly, sooner than you think, the joke is stale. I can only slap my head so many times with this boob.

But hey, he wore a mask two days ago. HE WORE A PLAGUE MASK!!! The news media went half crazy. The man wore a mask for the first time in public. Let’s see, that’s about 6 months into this plague, about 3 and a half million Covid cases in the country he presumably leads, 135,000 dead voters. I mean, what’s the rush? He told reporters he’s always thought wearing a mask was a good idea. You know, in the right place, the right time. And no, I didn’t slap myself upside the head when he said it, the dark humor has been drained right out of me. I live in an Alice in Wonderland world and I’m just trying to hang on without going too much further down the rabbit hole.

So when the Masked One ordered all schools to open this fall, or else!, I just grabbed one hand with the other and held it tight against my body, no point giving myself a self-induced concussion. All those states that came out of Lockdown, Florida, Texas, California, South Carolina, Arizona, well, just like the health experts predicted, they have huge spikes in cases. All those young people partying, drinking in bars, congregating at the beaches. Masks? Wrong time, wrong place, apparently. But if you thought those grim new statistics would matter, think again after you’ve duct taped your hands to your chair, the right time to open schools is a month away, the right place is a classroom with 30 kids and a teacher, maybe masked, maybe not.

Ignorance is bliss in the New America. So why not keep these kids home, forget virtual schooling or any schooling for that matter. Dumb them down, prepare them for the future. Plenty of jobs in a Trump administration for that kind of portfolio. High school dropout, Jimmy? No problem, the President is looking for a new Secretary of State. Welcome aboard.

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