Waiting for the Vaccine

It’s the holiday season and nothing says holiday quite like Covid. If you watch any news on your favorite media platform, hardly matters which, you’ll see the crowds at the airport massing up for Thanksgiving travel, off to see grandma, no doubt a family reunion right out of Norman Rockwell, big fat gobbler, plenty of cheer, pass the cranberry sauce, please. What I’m seeing is a spike in the pandemic numbers a week from dinner, an economy starting to sputter and stall without any stimulus package in sight so long as the stock market cranks up the capital gains for our legislators, unemployment relief ending soon and plenty of folks who won’t be checking their stock portfolios but will find coal in their Christmas stockings.

Half the country thinks Trump won the election. By a landslide. And that same country thinks Covid is a hoax, a strategy to keep their guy from winning the election. I have no inkling what they think the death numbers mean, over a quarter million, but obviously they’re not too worried grandma might be next. Just a bad cold maybe, nothing to worry about, nothing to make them wear a mask. Like the governor of West Virginia said, first the mask, then they take your guns. Seems sane and logical to me….

I live in an insane country during insane times. I see a bad moon rising is what I see. But … not to sound too pessimistic, there is a vaccine on the way. A couple of them actually. With a 90 to 95 per cent effectiveness. Which, if you study immunological breakthroughs, is a freaking miracle. You could easily imagine in a few months we could stop this pandemic in its tracks, get back to work, socialize again, put kids in schools, return to some kind of normal. Except now I read where nearly half the doctors and nurses wouldn’t necessarily take the shots, not enough testing for long term side effects. If they won’t take the vaccine, take a guess how many of the public won’t either.

I feel like I’m living in Pakistan where the citizens refuse to take the smallpox vaccine, might be a CIA trick. Or in Africa where the folks think the vaccine for Ebola will actually give them Ebola. I live in a country where the President is basically a white witch doctor, don’t wear a mask, it’ll just keep the evil spirits inside you! The doctors are part of a deep state medical monstrosity, don’t listen to that Fauci fool! Send your kids to school, they won’t socialize properly if you don’t!!

Me, I’m ready to offer myself up as one of the first recipients. I’m waiting for that vaccine with a sleeve rolled up right now, mister. Right now! I know, I know, if half of us don’t immunize ourselves, the pandemic will still roll on, the economy will stall, the folks who lost their jobs will be evicted from their houses and apartments, this plague will linger for who knows how long. But I’ve lost hope waiting for Godot. He isn’t coming. I’m waiting instead for that vaccine.

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2 Responses to “Waiting for the Vaccine”

  1. Rick Says:

    Trump ran the country like one of his casinos. The house lost.
    He ran his COVID response strategy like Trump University. Classes ala carte toward a degree in nothing.
    We the American public were handled like a box of Trump Steaks shipped via a broken down postal service, unrefrigerated without ice packs, tossed on the front porch when nobody was home. ”Sorry, our tracking information shows your order was delivered, so we’re unable to issue credit.”

    What we really need is a vaccine against any and all future Trumpidemics. I don’t think the country could handle another. I’ll take a shot against that.

  2. skeeter Says:

    I’d take that shot too. But … I think that virus may mutate into something far more lethal. They won’t be called Red States just for their politics.

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