Know Yer Place, Boy!

I had a cousin whose husband taught in an upscale private school outside of Chicago. Some of the parents hired him part time to do maintenance and lawn work on the weekends, no doubt tossing him crumbs to supplement the low salary he was paid to teach their debutantes. One of his benefactors, upon answering the front door when Fred first came to the job for hedge trimming, refused to talk to him, informing him brusquely that the ‘help’ were required to use the back door, then unceremoniously slammed the door in his face. Welcome to the caste system, American style!

Fred must have needed the money is all I could figure because he went to the back door, knocked once more, received m’lord’s instructions and went to work manicuring his hedges. I know what I would have done, but then, easy for me to say back then since I didn’t have a wife and a kid, a mortgage, car payments, credit card debt and the rest. But the story stuck with me. And not just because my cousin actually had been a New York debutante and was the daughter of a vice president of a national tobacco company. Maybe she understood the perks and privileges of the rich and famous, let her husband lick boots, that’s how it works.

I read today that Ivanka and Jared refused to let the Secret Service agents assigned for their protection use any of their six bathrooms in their upscale digs. For a time they had a porta-potty sitting out by the street for the ‘help’ to use during those long waits. Course, the neighbors took umbrage, probably what his and her majesty wanted after complaints that the Secret Service cars were taking up precious parking spaces in their tony neighborhood, so eventually the agents had to locate other bathroom spots, everything from knocking on neighbors’ doors to using nearby businesses to relieve themselves, then finally renting a latrine in a basement for 3000 bucks a months.

I know what I would have done, fertilized the Kushner’s flower beds, but then, I’m not a patriotic civil servant with a career at stake, am I? But … I am a little weary of this kind of snobby royalty totally lacking in any sense of noblesse oblige. Just like their papa, the guy who took a tour with the Secret Service in their SUV after testing positive for Covid. I think it’s time to show these folks the back door and ask them to use it on the way out. And don’t come back.

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2 Responses to “Know Yer Place, Boy!”

  1. Rick Says:

    When you trim hedges, thankfully you’re not expected to take a bullet for the landed gentry. Of course, the hedge owner can and most likely will judge your work before you’re paid.

    Can the same be said for the presumptive competence of a secret service agent? Could Jared & Ivanka know for certain how fast their agents would jump into action, especially after their presence was trivialized? Or would the Kushner’s protectors think, all right, I’ll clench and hoof it, whatever it takes, with these two haughty idiots this has gotta be temp work.

  2. skeeter Says:

    My best guess is the SS troopers spent half their day, happily, searching for long distance toilets, leave the silver spoon babes on their own, hope Jared had those security alarms installed and didn’t just pocket the money. Would-be terrorists only had to slip laxatives in their breakfast trays and wait for the explosive results before kidnapping the Kushner Kidz

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