My Vaccine is Tracking Me!!!

51 % of my fellow citizens who are declining the immunization for Covid believe the vaccine contains microchip tracking devices. I can only presume that you cautious neighbors avoid cellphones, credit and debit cards, Google, Facebook, grocery stores that require ID cards and probably you have refused to pay the IRS and will not, no way, accept Social Security payments lest the government or child eaters will follow that money to your lair. Tracking devices in the vaccine? Hey, buddy, it’s a little late to worry about anonymity now. The government and the corporations got everything they need, courtesy of yourself, to hunt you down like a rabid dog. Better to take your chances on the Covid killing you.

Satellites are whizzing overhead 24/7 with cameras so powerful they could read the number on your mailbox. Hopefully, you’ve moved and left no forwarding address and certainly haven’t stuck a mailbox at the end of your dead end driveway. If not … well, hopefully you’ve stockpiled a virtual armory of weapons for when the Bad Guys come for you and your family. And I’m sure you know, or at least are convinced, they are coming for you.

So yeah, refuse to take a vaccination, pardner, I get it. Why give them one more tool in their surveillance arsenal when they only have a dozen others to monitor you night and day, week after week, cradle to the grave? Your new TV can do the same thing. I bet that gizmo you bought awhile back, the one you can talk to and ask questions of or play music for you, it’s not only tracking you, it’s listening and it’s sending data back to … you guessed it … Big Brother. You haven’t noticed every time you ask Google a question, a nano second later you get a pop-up ad for some related product? C’mon, you’ve noticed. Did you quit searching with Google? Did you disable Alexa? No?

Buddy, you mean to tell me you won’t take a Covid shot but you’ve got the tracking device on you right now? That smart phone, the one you carry with you at all times, I guess you can see what I’m driving at, it’s a helluva lot smarter than you, pal. That camera built into your computer, did you realize it can be turned on by … well, you know who.

Take your chances with Covid, that’s my best advice for you now. You get it, hey, maybe that’s the easy way out of this brave new world. Course, if you live past the respirator days, then they got your medical records. It just doesn’t seem like there’s any winning, does it? Wish I could help but helping you might lead them to me. Can’t be too careful these days.

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