Big Brother Wants You!

I love a good hypocrite as much as the next fellow. Show me a man who hollers bloody murder about the damn guvmint, Big Brother, state overreach and I’ll show you a yahoo who wants laws that prevent minorities from voting, women from getting abortions, mandates against mask mandates and laws to keep history from being taught unless it toes the jingoist line. My favorite, and believe me, it’s hard to pick among all these, is the latest out of Texas that bans abortions after 6 weeks, a timeline that insures the woman hasn’t even realized she’s pregnant yet. Pregnancies from rape or incest, doesn’t matter to the Lone Star state.

And better … Texas wants your neighbor to do the snitching. Even offers up to 10,000 dollars for a successful private lawsuit to convict that woman, or anybody who might be helping her, in a court of law. In Orwell’s 1984 it was the neighbor and the friend who ratted out Winston, the luckless protagonist of the book. That would be true of Eastern Germany in the Cold War. Turn citizen against citizen. Who needs a camera in every house and apartment when your neighbor can keep an eye on your comings and goings. Not even Orwell imagined a reward bounty for this. Only Texas. And now, of course, the Supreme Court.

I guess these persons’ idea of freedom isn’t necessarily mine. These folks’ idea of democracy isn’t necessarily mine. I doubt the Taliban would pay a bounty as reward for informants, but they might. If they had the money. Texas, I’m guessing, would rather spend theirs on abortion rewards than health care or education. Give them a few more legislative sessions, after they’re done ramming through voter suppression laws, and they’ll probably make birth control pills a felony too. Use a condom, go to jail. Maybe charge the store that sold them with criminal charges too. And don’t forget the stockholders in the condom company. Possibly the stock exchange as well. If all else fails for these Texan Big Brothers, they just passed a law that lets you carry a handgun, concealed or open carry, without a license. Citizens can not only act as law enforcement, they can be their own judge and jury. Texas, the pro-life state. If you survive Covid.

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