Statistics Don’t Lie

Statistics don’t lie but they fib a lot. I’ve been trying to recreate my glass biz website this past month after my evil host deleted all my data they’ve been entrusted with the past 13 years. Relax, I’m not going to reiterate the pitfalls of web design for beginners like myself. But in the course of noodling around the edges of my site I came across another site that, lo and behold, ranked mine according to all kinds of semi-useless statistics.

For instance, received an Alexa ranking of 858,808 in the world. In the world!! Now, this may seem to you like a ridiculously low ranking and for all I know there are only 858,809 websites in the world and I’m rock bottom, but … the surprising part to me was that it’s ranked at all. And furthermore, it tells me that the site gets 3500 visitors a day and 4100 page views and over 100,000 a month. Work with me here now. If we extrapolate — and statistics love to be extrapolated — that means I have over one million people checking out my glass every year.

Just like you, I figured these folks were trying to sell me something but no, they were just number crunchers and if anybody needs number crunching, it’s probably me and my sad little website. Of course once I sat down and stopped congratulating myself, stopped imagining the advertising revenue I could generate off one million hits a year, stopped fantasizing about a retirement in Rio, I got to thinking, there aren’t one million people interested in stained glass, no way, and certainly not my glass, c’mon, get real, probably hardly anybody. But … statistics don’t lie!

Or do they? So I went to this blogsite, skeeter daddle, and wowee zowee, this site is ranked 714,233 in the world with 25% more visitors than the site ranked 858,809. I beat the socks off my glass website, no doubt a lot more folks interested in the South End than public glass art. But, let’s come down to earth here, not really very many.

What I realized is that the real money isn’t in glass or blog sketches, it’s in web design. I may finally have found my niche in life. Give me time and a few more websites to design and you bet I’ll break through the half million ranking. Eat my dust,!

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