outlaw mentality

I just got done chatting with about the 15th neighbor who plans to go into commercial pharming.  Gonna set up a light system in the empty kids’ room and grow 16 legal cannabis plants for sale to those with various and sundry medical afflictions ranging from bad backs to severe ennui.  We got a lot of chronically ill folks down here on the care-free South End apparently.  And hopefully – at least for these gentleman farmers – a few left who don’t grow their own remedies.

I wish to hell I could figure out how this medical marijuana works.  Actually, I wish the State could figure it out, maybe pull in some desperately needed revenues on taxing the stuff.  Won’t be long before Big Pharma wants a tax break too as long as the small businesses aren’t chipping in.  Near as I can tell, all you need to Grow is a ‘doctor’s’ authorization, a Green Card, costs $100 or $200 and then you can start your plantation.  Unless you live in a place – unlike the South End – where the cops are far too b usy with traffic violations to bust pot growers, chances are you can pretty much count on minimal harassment, and no chance whatsoever of prosecution.  Prohibition, my friends, is over.  Just no celebration…..

Me, I’m thinking Old School.  I grew up in the long dark shadow of illegal grass.  Friends growing paranoid, flushing their stash at the first knock at the door.  I grew up a criminal in the eyes of America.  Folks went to jail and served serious time.  And now?  You can grow it in your front yard, for godsake!!  You tell me what I’m supposed to think about Law and Order.  Naw, I’m for keeping the stuff illegal.  Gives the South End a certain panache, an outlaw mystique, a badge of dishonor and so be it.  Hell, I’m even advocating criminalizing nettles.  We find em growing on your property, you’ll get the full force of the LAW, brother.  And worse, we’ll brand you as the Nettle Growing Miscreant your parents warned you about.

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