playing the odds

A lot of us this year are starting to realize we’re counted in with the 99%ers.  Always good to be a conformist, one of the crowd, I guess, but it sort of pulls the rug on the idea that we all have equal opportunity in the Land of the Brave.  I guess if we all got the same odds in the Lottery, we’re all equal.

We have plenty of 1%ers here on the South End, testament to bubbles and good retirement packages.  Some of the boyz down at the Diner diss these folks, out of envy, I suppose, but we all share a nice slice of the American Pie here in paradise, so maybe we should be happier with what we have than unhappy with what we don’t.  Cause truth is, what we got is pretty much all we’ll be getting, and personally, it’s plenty.

But it’s been some rough years lately and some of us 99ers lost jobs, lost work, lost houses, lost everything, including hope.  I hear a lot of people angry at the ‘damn government’ but I never hear folks angry at the people whose insatiable greed brought this on.  Those 1%ers we all want so much to be, I guess.

South Enders are like most Americans.  We like to think we’re the Rough and Rugged pioneers, individuals, independent, tough as nails don’t-tread-on-me yahoos.  But the truth is we live in a mythology cobbled together from old movies and bad TV, John Wayne and Dirty Harry.  The boyz who run the show, they love that.  You think Shane is going to take on the Bank of America, you better adjust your meds, pardner.  That, or your hatband.  It isn’t in the cards.  And you’re not going to win the Lottery either, sorry to be the one to give you the Bad News.  Oh, and good luck getting to the 1%.  It’s called that for a pretty good reason.

Hits: 18

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