The Tarmac of Life

Old Skeeter’s got to fly out to the tundras of Wisconsin this next week. Ma and Pa Daddle are getting up there in age and I need to go see them more often these days. Sure don’t want to look back and feel like these opportunities passed. I guess this is true for most everything. I  don’t want to find myself in the rocker on the porch of the Mabana Retirement Villa wishing I’d done that or wondering why I didn’t do this…. just watching the traffic out on the highway whizzing by while I’m waiting for my feedbag or the next group social hour in front of the bigscreen babysitter.

So I’m going to be basking in the warmth of the red state Heartland, talking to my folks with their twin hearing aids while Fox News is on 24/7 at a decibel level that would kill a liberal democrat. Over the years I’ve built up some pretty solid immunity, but then, you never really know, do you? Anyway, I’ll leave you some old stuff down at the bottom of the blogsite’s compost pile you can maybe scroll down to if you have the patience. I’ll turn the volume down before I go. But be forewarned: it’s going back up when I get home.

And don’t forget: I got a book reading and book signing at the Snow Goose Bookstore Friday the 13th, 7PM. Give you a fine opportunity to criticize the critic. Only fair….

Hits: 63

One Response to “The Tarmac of Life”

  1. Basil Says:

    You should have had a ladder over your chair and a black cat running back & forth. Good reading. Article on Shannon’s work was great I thought! Going to Seattle tomorrow to see Gonzaga play!!

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