Frack Me!


I gassed up the pickup yesterday. $2.19 a gallon. Whoo-hoo! The price at the pump is going down faster than a horny snake courting a garden hose. Russia, who was courting crony capitalism, is doomed, dependent as they are on oil exports. Ditto Venezuala and Iran. Folks maybe wanted a military solution to the Crimea and Ukraine take-over, they can skip the shooting part, except where the Russkies shot themselves in the foot.

We’re awash in oil now. Might not even want to fight wars in the Middle East anymore, just frack our way to energy independence. Dig a shaft in every backyard and shoot down some chemicals we aren’t allowed to know what they are, probably benign, right?, just a secret is all. Like Coca-Cola’s formula. Might even taste good in your well water, but don’t light a match by the faucet if the concentration gets too high.

They aren’t fracking on the South End. Not yet. But we sure use gasoline like it was going the way of coal. Takes a tank just to commute to work. Those of us unemployables are obviously Unsung Heroes, low carbon footprinters. No need to thank us. Sloth, sometimes, is its own reward. Historians will no doubt re-evaluate our rightful place in society and we’re willing to wait. Part of those low gas prices is low demand. Yup, us again!

Pretty soon gas should be cheaper than water. Well water, I mean. It’s always been cheaper than the bottled stuff and nobody’s complaining about the price of bottled water. When fracking is done, well water might very well reach concentrations that work in an internal combustion engine. That mandatory health care folks have been complaining about might make a lot more sense then. Drink up … and drive safe! Or drink safe and stop driving. The way we do down here.

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