

Uh-oh, Skeeter’s taking off once again. I know, what a slacker/blogger the mofo is! But let’s cut him some slack. The guy has had a difficult time lately with his so-called career. He was a finalist for a Colorado project, looked like the frontrunner, only to be asked, just prior to boarding a plane to go pitch his glass proposal, if he could possibly put his stained glass mural in something other than their windows. They didn’t ask his sculptor competitors if they could put their sculptures on something other than the entryway courtyard grounds. You know, hang them from a cloud or something.

Skeeter said, and I quote: “Huh?” Then he said, and I quote again, “Let me know when to cancel the flight into Colorado.” And they said, quoting once more, “Cancel now.” You think the blood-sport of public art isn’t hard, think again. Skeeter’s got plenty of war wounds from recalcitrant architects benumbed by the legacy of Frank Lloyd always Right, window manufacturers voiding warranties and clients nervous about, well, everything….

Course, you don’t want to hear this and Skeeter doesn’t want to depress you with his problems. Life is fine and if he did want to whine and cry and throw himself on the floor in a fit of despondency, he’d be the idiot and one thing Skeeter isn’t … well, okay, maybe he is. But he has sense enough to pick himself up, dust his hat off and say let’s just move on. Which, of course, is exactly what he’s doing, moving on. Out of town, out of sight and maybe out of mind. His, anyway.

Once again, apologies for leaving anybody who reads this stuff in the lurch. Give you time, maybe, to work on resumes or write that novel you always thought you’d write or just watch more Fox News and see what the fair and balanced crowd thinks that President of ours is doing to ruin America. Skeeter, he’s going into the hinterlands of the ruins, see what the locals there have to say about the current state of affairs. Actually, he’s going to the Tetons. Purple mountains majesty. He’ll get back to you in a week or so….



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One Response to “Purple?”

  1. Rick Says:

    Colorado’s loss is Wyoming’s gain.

    John Denver had us fooled for some time when he sang:
    “Colorado Rocky Mountain high
    I’ve seen it rainin’ fire in the sky
    Rocky Mountain high, Colorado…”

    Years later Lloyd & Harry set the record straight in the movie Dumb & Dumber when they stared through their windshield of their Dogmobile and said what all of us secretly knew, “That John Denver was full of s–t, man.”

    No matter that they had taken the wrong exit and were now facing the flat plains of Nebraska. The statement stands.

    Colorado has nothing to match the grandeur of the Tetons, nor any peak or range as appropriately named. The French explorers knew how to tell it like it is, for all posterity.

    Have a good trip!

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