O Say Can U See?

Down at the South End Legion Hall, the vets were pumped, beers were lined up in military formations, the big screen TV was tuned to the opening day Game and bets were still being wagered. Not on the outcome of the football game but on whether the players would take a knee for the Star Spangled Banner. A 49’ers quarterback had refused to stand up for the obligatory anthem during pre-season, same pre-game routine as all sports, sports being more American than Mom or her store bought apple pie.

Willy D., known to the Legionnaires as ‘Sarge’, was betting no less than 5 players would refuse to stand up for the national anthem. “Cowards!” he declared even before the star spangled singer had been introduced. “Gutless punks! Probably not a single one has seen service.”

Two Toke Tom was grinning his Cheshire smirk. “Don’t think they give deferments for football, Sarge. And calling a football player a coward, I dunno, it’s kind of a no-brainer. This isn’t ping pong they’re playing.”

Willy D. choked on his swig of Bug Lite, spluttered awhile then finally got enough air to return fire on the smiling Two Toke who was sipping a microbrew, patiently waiting for Sarge’s retort. “Nothing but losers and cowards,” he cried. “They don’t like it here, who’s keeping em from leaving?”

A giant American flag had unfurled the full length of the football field and the singer stepped to the microphone. Willy D. stood up solemnly and glared at the others until they too stood up facing the TV, ballcaps held over their hearts. All but Two Toke. He sat his ground even though the rockets’ red glare had nothing on Willy D’s.

“I didn’t fight in Viet Nam so you A-holes could spit on my flag, Tom.” Two Toke set his glass down. “Sure you did, Will. That’s what we all did. Nobody said we were fighting for conformity.”

“Maybe we fought for patriotism,” Willy growled, still standing even after the rest sat down and put their caps back on. Two Toke stood up and put a hand out to Willy. “We all did, Sarge, we just got different definitions.”
Willy shook his head sadly but he finally shook Tom’s hand. “Okay, Tom, dammit. I assume we’re rooting for the same team, aren’t we?” Two Toke grinned. “Guess we’ll know soon, Sarge. If nothing else, we’re all here to watch the game and drink some beers. About as American as it gets. Unless you want to talk election politics during halftime.”

Willy D. groaned. “Don’t tell me you’re going to vote for Hillary.”
Two Toke said, “Let’s wait for halftime before we start shooting.”

Hits: 91

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