Sexual Harassment for Dummies

I just saw where 40% of Trump voters this last election got all their news from Fox News. This is the station that just paid Bill O’Reilly 25 million dollars to stay on permanent vacation and leave the Fox women alone. Who knew, other than Trump, being a serial predator could pay so well? Okay, maybe Roger Ailes.

Hard to imagine most network news surviving this kind of top down malfeasance. But Fox, well, fair and balanced doesn’t necessarily include integrity. Or even truthfulness. Probably a lot of folks left feeling that Bill was treated badly. Misunderstood. A victim of political correctness and those liberal proponents who think women shouldn’t be treated to sexual harassment. Like the president said on camera, grab em by the crotch and they’ll do your bidding. And Fox, being, you know, fair and balanced, while all the other lying news media covered Bill’s untimely exit, they pretty much left it untouched, barely a mention. See? That balances the other networks who did cover it.

The Marines are posting photos of their favorite female nude soldiers. Great for morale. The few, the sexist, the Marines. The folks who think racism ended a few decades back probably couldn’t see sexism if it grabbed them by the cojones. Bill O’Reilly and Donald Trump sure aren’t troubled by it. You might not either if they paid you 25 million or made you King of America. But it does make for a contentious work environment, whether it’s the Fox newsroom or the Foxholes in Afghanistan or Iraq. I realize these habits won’t change overnight, that sexism is pretty ingrained in a lot of us boyz, but c’mon, is it political correctness run amok to say we ought to treat women with respect? Personally, I’m glad the Marines are training them to use an assault rifle. A few of those at Fox News in the hands of Bill O’Reilly’s victims, we might’ve saved 25 million dollars.

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