
I suppose if I was sitting in the Oval Office looking at the cluttered Inbox of crisis after crisis, wondering which one I should tackle first, the Korean nuclear threat or maybe the devastation from Hurricane Irma in Puerto Rico, the flooding in Houston or the troop buildup in Afghanistan, the repeal and replace debate of Obamacare or the budget battle and debt ceiling, I would have a hard time too. One of the tenets of the 7 traits of successful South Enders —
I’ll mention only the first on the list: START THE DAY BEFORE NOON
At least on work days. The other five days, sleep in. You earned it. —

means that obviously time management and prioritization is of critical importance. Let’s face it, the world and national problems are complex and many. You have personal issues as well, investigations into your financial dealings, investigations into your involvement with the Russians, investigations into possible obstruction of justice. Decisions decisions decisions and so little time! Impeachment is right around the corner, the Rocket Man has his finger on the nuclear trigger, hurricanes and earthquakes are becoming more common than your tweets. What’s a busy guy to do?

Prioritize! Take them one at a time! Don’t tackle too much! Which is why it makes sense to attack the NFL and those ‘sons-of-bitches’ who refuse to stand at attention while the National Anthem is being played. Good choice, Mr. President!! Good choice. Tomorrow, pick another. Hillary! Sure, Hillary’s a safe bet. Benghazi! E-mails! Voter fraud even though she lost! That’s two days covered and five days of well-deserved rest. You deserve it, sir, you’ve worked hard.

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