Let’s Let the Voters Decide

Alabama, you got
the weight on your shoulders
That’s breaking your back.
Your Cadillac
has got a wheel in the ditch
And a wheel on the track

Alabama, as Neil Young lamented, is a damn mess. The President’s spokeswoman, Huckabee’s daughter, unabashedly aware the Chief has his own harassment issues to deal with, tells reporters after she’s demanded they tell her what they’re thankful for this Thanksgiving, no doubt thinking she’s running a 3rd grade class of stupid students, that the voters should decide whether Judge Roy Moore should be the next Senator of that proud state.

I guess the logic here is that if Donald Trump was elected President, the voters have substituted the ballot for the force of justice in the judicial system. You got a Groper-in –Chief, why not a pederast Senator? The voters say okay, I guess it’s okay. Or like Trump says, better Moore than some liberal.

This is the state of politics in America these days. Neil Young could’ve substituted America for Alabama. Our Cadillac has a wheel in the ditch.

Tomorrow is Thanksgiving. Sarah Huckabee Sanders wants to know what we’re thankful for before she’ll take a question. I’m thankful for Neil Young, Sarah. My question is how can the President of the United States support a pederast over a Democrat who isn’t particularly liberal and how is it, as a woman, you’re not ashamed every damn day to speak up for this Harasser?

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2 Responses to “Let’s Let the Voters Decide”

  1. Rick Says:


    Your Cadillac
    has thrown some teens in the ditch
    So Moore stays on track

  2. skeeter Says:

    What is that old chestnut: Youth is wasted on the pederasts?

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