They Falsely Accused Jesus. Vote Judge Roy Moore!

An Alabama church put this up on their readerboard: They Falsely Accused Jesus. Vote Judge Roy Moore! I guess if you think ‘they’ falsely accused the Son of God, you should probably vote for the Republican candidate for U.S. Senate, the righteous and indignant Judge Roy. I personally am not sure who was accusing Jesus for something he didn’t do, but hey, it’s been a long time, and like Trump always says in regard to Judge Roy’s transgressions, it’s been a long time. Me, I’d probably just say Jesus died for his sins, let it go.

Politics and religion are always a volatile mix. The American Taliban, all those Bible thumping holier-than-me yahoos think they ought to be able to preach politics from the pulpit, and of course they do. I just think they ought to have their tax exemptions pulled and then they can rant and rave to their heart’s content. Course, today Trump just announced the United States will consider Jerusalem the capital of Israel which made a whole lot of evangelicals very happy. The rest of the world, not so much. Kind of screwed up the Middle East negotiations and if anyone was paying attention, the Holy Land is a mess these days. So why throw a monkey wrench into the works???

Half of Alabama thinks it’s okay to vote in a child predator. The man has been banned from malls for menacing young women fer Chrissake. C’mon, children, you really think that’s forgivable?? He certainly hasn’t repented and he certainly is guilty. But you want to vote him in as Senator of your proud state? The great state of Alabama, home to Gov. George, segregation now, segregation tomorrow, segregation forever, Wallace?

What kind of funky facile religion do you folks practice down there in the humid South? You read that Bible you like to quote so often? You listened to your boy Jesus? You ever read the New Testament? Or do you just preach what you practice?? Check out a little piece of wisdom called the Golden Rule, chillen, something about doing to others what you’d like them to do to you. And don’t tell me you’d like to prey on young girls. Although … that would explain a lot.

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2 Responses to “They Falsely Accused Jesus. Vote Judge Roy Moore!”

  1. Rick Says:

    if we’re going to compare Roy Moore to Biblical figures, I have to say he strikes me as more of a Holy Ghost type figure than the Son of God. I never could figure out how exactly The Holy Ghost fit into The Trinity, or what exactly his/her/its job description was. Let’s face it, Jesus generally isn’t reported to have tried any funny stuff, a ghost however, a ghost can circumnavigate in and among and around multitudes without detection. He’ll even sign your yearbook, little girl, with invisible ink.

  2. skeeter Says:

    Today we find out if the Trinity, or any fraction thereof, is looking out for the Good Judge Roy. The Lord works in mysterioso ways, I know, but I suspect Neil Young had his finger on the pulse of the true Alabama.

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