Drip Drip Drip

Trump Trump Trump. It’s a constant frontal lobe migraine drip, never ending, never letting up, never pausing for a breath. Trump Trump Trump, another blockbuster story followed by another and another, you hate to peek at a newspaper in the morning or turn on the radio or watch the television or scroll down the internet headlines. Trump Trump Trump. The man is a P.R. Machine, doesn’t matter if the publicity is good or bad so long as it grabs you by the lapels and gives you a good hard shake.

Prostitutes pissing on the bed the Clintons slept in in Moscow? Affairs with Playboy models while he was married to … one or the other of his wives? Deals with shady Russian businessmen? Meetings in his country clubs with foreign dignitaries? Selling Trump products while he’s President of the United States? Trump Trump Trump. Firing the head of the FBI? Filling his cabinet with totally unqualified lackeys or lobbyists bent on gutting their own agencies? Hiring his kids, qualified or not? Undermining the intelligence community? Trump Trump Trump. Denigrating his enemies? Bullying those who accuse him of wrongdoing? Petulance and pissyfits? Trump Trump Trump.

If entertainment is what you want from the White House, you got it, binge-worthy, eye-rolling, stomach-churning cliff hangers day after day. Trump Trump Trump, the air in the room is sucked out until nothing is left but Trump Trump Trump. White is black, night is day, truth is faux news, faux news is truth. You can scarcely believe this is happening, but wait, the next episode is already rolling. Indictments are rolling in, heads are rolling out, the Secretary of Something was fired yesterday and the new one is sworn in. More lies! More bullying! More threats! More firings! The cast of characters changes weekly and Trump Trump Trump claims he thrives on chaos, loves it, wouldn’t have it any other way.

The screws are tightening, the Mueller investigation is closing in, the associates and colleagues are singing like canaries to escape long prison terms, lawsuits are being filed to shut up the porn stars, how do you top yesterday’s episode??? Who is writing these scripts? Trump Trump Trump. What will we do when his show is canceled? What on earth will we do??? What stupid reality show can possibly take its place???

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