Nuclear Fusion Is Here Now (audio)

Posted in audio versions ---- the talkies on January 20th, 2023 by skeeter

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Nuclear Fusion Is Here Now

Posted in rantings and ravings on January 19th, 2023 by skeeter


No doubt, being the news savvy reader that you are, judging by the fact that you’re reading this, you’ve heard about the physics breakthrough: scientists have finally, for the first time in history, managed to make nuclear fusion created energy with less energy than it took to make the reaction.  Eureka! you’re saying to yourself, at last the solution to global warming, planet extinction and a cure for the common cold!!

Every house will soon have its very own nuclear fusion heating system installed in its basement or out in the garage.  No more PUD bills!  No more unsightly solar panels clogging up the roof and growing moss.  Just unlimited power for all your electrical needs, everything from your Tesla charging station to the 10,000 bulb Christmas display, all yours thanks to the nuclear community and its teams of physicists.

Oh sure, at first the price for your nuke chamber will be a little on the high side, but once production costs come down and demand rockets up, you’ll wonder how you ever thought that gas furnace was a reasonable way to heat your home.  Plus, a gas furnace couldn’t run the microwave, now could it?

The car of the future might not be a battery powered one.  The car of the future will be a Fusion fueled beast, zero to 60 in one second.  What’s under the hood?  Check it out, no more gas guzzling engines, just the hum of lasers squeezing hydrogen into pure raw unlimited power, buddy.  How cool is that?  Tesla, go suck on a lithium ion battery.

The secrets of the Atom are ours now and the future’s so bright we’ll all need shades. The world is saved, the planet should cool right back down, all is well in our universe.  Thank the Tech Boyz once again. Science, a powerful tool.  Now if we can just figure out that cure for the common Covid.

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