Last Laugh’s On Who?

Posted in rantings and ravings on September 6th, 2023 by skeeter

Let me say right off the bat here, full disclosure, I am not an Artificial Intelligence. I know, some of you would say I’m not even a Genuine Intelligence — and I won’t argue the point — but pretty soon it won’t really matter, will it? Already the future is here, the bots are taking charge, the corporations are adding the algorithms that will replace a good many of us. Take this blog, for instance. I could have Chatbot finish this in … oh … less than one second. If I were paid by the hour, I wish!, my employer (me, in this case) would save a bundle of crypto. You think those writers in Hollywood don’t know this? Or their bosses? They’re not really on strike over pay, they’re fighting Artificial Intelligence writing their scripts and then gussying them up for peanuts.

I design stained glass projects. You think I don’t know already that you could download my past stuff, run it through the AI app, ask it to design a similar work that looks a lot like mine and it couldn’t do it? Oh, it could do it all right. In a nano-second. Some of us so-called artists are probably going to use the app ourselves, save all that creative energy that could be better spent on scrolling the internet and updating our social media stuff. Although, pretty soon we could have ArtApp handle that too.

I don’t kid myself that my own creativity is so profoundly unique that some dumb machine couldn’t duplicate it, maybe improve on it, probably replace me, just more collateral damage on the highway to the future that’s leaving us in the digital dust. The engineers may think they’ve finally gotten the best of us smug art types, programmed us right into obsolescence, but I got news for them too. The best programmers are going to be those machines they built. Not that I expect to get the last laugh. The laugh’s on all of us. Soon as the apps learn how to snicker….

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