Select Committee to Investigate the Select Committee x2

Posted in rantings and ravings on December 20th, 2022 by skeeter


The final hearing of the January 6th Select Committee is scheduled for today, the last installment of the series before turning it over to the next Select Committee, probably Jim Jordan’s unbiased handpicked kangaroo court, this one to investigate the investigators who will announce the winners of their choice for criminal charges.  I think (spoiler alert!) we can expect Donald to be their first pick.  So much winning for the guy he’s probably sick of winning.

Whether the Department of Justice prosecutes based on this recommendation remains to be seen.  But irate MAGA Congressmen are already making it clear to the Department that a Select Committee will be formed to investigate Merrick Garland and his G-men.  Clear your calendar, Mr. Garland, the wannabe Speaker of the House, Kevin McCarthy made clear, same guy that pointed the finger at Trump after the insurrection that scared him but who went to Mar-a-Lago shortly after to beg forgiveness from the soon-to-be-impeached President-in-Exile.  The hunger for power can make a man grovel.  Lord only knows what else Kevin would do for the scepter. So much for profiles in courage in this era.

Who needs Netflix serials when you got this kind of tragi-comic material on everything from the New York Times to Twitter? Not great for managing a country, maybe, but hey, It’s Entertainment and after all, we voted for a reality TV show huckster so let’s play this out, see who’s Fired! Course, we need to update the Select Committee panel shows, don’tcha think?  Something a bit fresher, something to appeal to the Gen X’ers, maybe think out of the box.  Or the Congress.  Take it to the street, why not?  Studio audiences in Poughkeepsie and Mankato, load up the Truth Bus and journey to the hinterlands.  Between witnesses, let’s have some song and dance, something lively, patriotic of course, move those booties!  To the right, hopefully.

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