Rebel Yell!

Posted in rantings and ravings on June 1st, 2017 by skeeter

We’re taking down some of the statues in the South of all those Rebel heroes, maybe about time after 150 years since the Civil War. Kinda sad news for the folks who still fly the Confederate flag back up the dirt roads where history got written a little differently. Stone Mountain, the second largest chunk of granite next to Gibraltar, has those 4 generals on horseback large as the presidents on Mt. Rushmore. Yankee presidents, to some.

I’m all FOR putting those Civil War statues in a museum somewhere in Mobile or Vicksburg or Chattanooga. After all, they are historic. But as heroes? I can’t say the folks who fought for slave-holders should be honored any more than the Grand Wizards of the KKK. Call me politically correct and slap me with a New York Times Sunday edition, but c’mon, the South needs to accept defeat with that much touted grace they claim as theirs. I know, Washington and Jefferson and the boyz had slaves too. And they’re on Rushmore. And we should all acknowledge their part in perpetuating the stain on this country. The Constitution, that document the Supreme Court originalists wants to cling to like lichen to a hard rock, deemed blacks as only partially human. Women, not even a mention.

Maybe there’s too many statues anyway. Obscure generals, folks we’ve long since forgotten even though the statues were spozed to help us remember them into perpetuity. We live in an era where fame is fast and furious, about the length of a mayfly’s mating period. Wouldn’t bother most of us if we replaced them with People Magazine’s Sexiest Man of the Year or the Academy Award winners for best actress and actor. Or just vote on Facebook, see who gets the most Likes, then put statues up in Times Square or the Washington Mall.

And just to make it interesting, we could put a few Shaming Statues up too. Course, that might mean keeping those Reb generals around a little longer….

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