Taylor Swift Spawn of Satan (audio)

Posted in audio versions ---- the talkies on February 14th, 2024 by skeeter

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Why Does Taylor Swift Want to Destroy America?

Posted in rantings and ravings on February 10th, 2024 by skeeter

Maybe you’re one of the few people left who doesn’t listen to Taylor Swift’s meteoric music, just a person who reads about her and about her boyfriend, Travis Kelce,the Kansas City Chief’s star tight end. Music and the NFL. A mega pop star and a football hero, what could possibly be more American? What more, if you were a patriot, a true one, could you want for the Patriot Poster? Attractive kids, filthy rich, admired by millions, perfect smiles, perfect people. Who’d have thought they were out to destroy the country that loves them.

But they are doing just that! Well, not yet. Their insidious little scheme is still to be hatched, but don’t for one commie minute think they won’t set it into motion before the coming election this fall. If the Chiefs win the Super Bowl, bet your Grammy the pair will launch the most nefarious plot to take over the White House and possibly the Congress too. Trust the folks at Fox News, they see the conspiracy for what it is, nothing less than a brazen takedown of the government. Swift has shown her true colors in the past when she asked her fan base to register to vote. That fan base, unless you live in a colorless world devoid of social media, is huge, millions upon millions who would gladly obey her every command. And her command? To vote for Sleepy Joe. To vote to end democracy as we know it. To vote to destroy America! That’s what her command will be.

And the creepy part? They seem on the surface to be exactly what America idolizes, successful, clean cut, smart rich people. We all want to be them, don’t we? We all want what they want. We all want millions of fans, millions of dollars, millions of Instagram viewers. Don’t we? Of course we do. But don’t be fooled, don’t let those white tooth smiles deceive you. They want to destroy the very country that made them famous. That, my friends, is what is so terribly creepy.

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