Spare the Rich!

Posted in rantings and ravings on June 25th, 2017 by skeeter

Sometimes in our quest to alleviate the pain of the struggling middle class or take care of the needs of the poor, we forget about the rich. The job creators, the builders of capital, the risk takers, the folks who made America what it is today: the wealthiest nation on earth. We take them for granted, we ignore them and when we do pay some attention, we castigate them for perceived sins of avarice. In sheer dollar amounts they pay most of the taxes in this country. Sure, they get a few tax breaks, they don’t have to pay the same rate on their capital gains as we would on wages and income and of course they can deduct private jets and yachts as business expenses. You think they got wealthy wining and dining clients in a suburban two story? C’mon, wake up.

You ever been around real wealth, you’d know it’s hard work being rich. Phone calls 24/7, teams of attorneys, tax consultants, travel to and from their vacation homes, multiple vehicles for transportation and attendant chauffeurs, countless investment strategies. Don’t kid yourself, you’d need a team of psychiatrists to handle your anxieties. And trust me, shrinks don’t come cheap. And then there’s the hidden expenses, small things like trust funds and private schools followed by Ivy League for the children. Vacation properties strewn across the globe. Who do you think takes care of those, eh? Who knew it would be so tough?

So while you’re lamenting the cutbacks coming in Medicaid and watching health care for millions suddenly out of reach again, take a pause in your criticism of the GOP led attack on Obamacare and think of the undervalued 1%. Don’t you think maybe they deserve a tax break on this new Republican Plan? Of course you do. The world is hard enough for these folks without us piling on too. Spare the rich!

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