I Did Not Have Sex With That Woman

Posted in rantings and ravings on July 27th, 2018 by skeeter

The Prez has just nominated the guy who worked with Ken Starr’s investigation of Clinton’s Whitewater accusations to be the next Supreme Court justice. No, they couldn’t find any evidence of that, but they did find the stain on the blue dress and the House impeached him for lying about it. High crimes and treason back then.

Not so much now. The Cohen tapes are coming out now, conversations about hush money for a year-long affair with a Playboy model right after Donald’s wife gave birth to their son. The evangelicals apparently don’t mind this kind of infidelity and the Congress doesn’t mind the lies or the breaking of campaign finance laws. What was good for the Clinton goose doesn’t cut it with the Trump gander. What matters is preserving the Party. Respect for the law, respect for Biblical tenets? Just lip service. If you find fault with the Donald, his true believers will make you pay at the polls next time around. This is the quandary the Grand Old Party finds itself in for electing a boy-man without ethics or common sense. For a time, we might have gloated, but now he’s the madman in the middle of the room and the majority in Congress are frightened to death.

We should all be.

A buddy yesterday, a veteran no less, asked me, “Nixon looking pretty good to you these days?” And I had to admit, yeah, better every day. Give me Tricky Dick or LBJ over this creepy clown. I never liked these guys but I never thought they were unpatriotic, just working off a different set of values which weren’t mine. This new guy, c’mon, he’s beyond the pale. He’s not working for the America you and me live in. He’s not bringing back coal mining jobs and factories. He doesn’t care about anything but the Trump brand. Who knows what the Russians have on him, but he’s willing to throw the intelligence agencies under the bus to protect his self or his interests, whatever they are. He’ll be willing to do the same with the nation as he did with Melania right after giving birth to their son.

The terrible thing to watch, more frightening than the President’s actions themselves, is the apologists and sycophants who make this guy possible. Blame it on the Russian bots if you want, blame it on Fox fake news (and I do), blame it on a disgruntlement with Hillary and the Democratic Party, but the dirty truth is there are a lot of folks out there willing to turn a blind eye to a very scary demagogue in our midst. This autumn we are going to learn something about ourselves and it may very well be that this nation is not what we thought. It may be that we have elected the man we deserve.

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