Collect Em, Trade Em, Trump Action Cards!

Posted in audio versions ---- the talkies on December 21st, 2022 by skeeter

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Emoluments schmoluments

Posted in rantings and ravings on October 30th, 2019 by skeeter

So okay, we all know the impeachment trial is going to be coming soon to a theater near you. With clowns like Rudy and Mick, personal advisors to the stars, denying any wrongdoing while admitting the same, it’s only a matter of time before we quit horsing around and just get on with it. Of course, Trump isn’t going to allow anyone to testify, pleading everything from executive privilege to witch hunt the sequel. What to do other than wait for the Supreme Court to make a ruling and that could take two days this side of forever.

I want to make a suggestion in the spirit of bipartisanship, one that should make everyone happy, Dems and GOP alike: offer to hold the impeachment trial at Mar-a-Lago. Donald will make a fortune, not that he needs it, but obviously he wants a pay for play in just about every endeavor this White House undertakes. And televise it. Give every TV outlet a chance to bid, then take the highest offer and give it to Donald. Tremendous ratings, high visibility for weeks, PLUS a ton of loot. The Trump Brand will never be more monetized. And after all, isn’t that why he ran in the first place? Make America Great Again? C’mon, we’re not in kindergarten here. Make Donald Rich Again is the real slogan.

And what a cast of characters! Netflix could do a binge to addiction 60 episode series with this. Dallas meets West Wing. Golf courses of the rich and famous meets Hell’s Kitchen. Billionaires on the witness stand. Generals testifying against their old boss, now who’s fired! Bring in the kids, haul up Melania. It’s a fashion show, it’s a kangaroo court, it’s Saturday Night Live Live! Every laptop, TV, pay for view theater in America will be riveted for weeks, hopefully months. The 2020 elections will look like the cartoon before the movie. The residuals and spin-offs should be astronomical. Interviews with Mike Pence, questions about pardons, angry Senators, Benghazi Benghazi what about Benghazi, all the old but never dead accusations, Ukrainegate, Rudy and more Rudy, who can possibly get enough? If we’re lucky, we get a hurricane too. Give the man his Mar-a-Lago moment and let’s get this show on the road!

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