Witch Hunt?

Posted in rantings and ravings on April 4th, 2023 by skeeter

80% of Republicans think the investigations into Donald Tiny Trump are nothing more than a witch hunt. Ya think? C’mon people, put that little thinking cap on and try to imagine you’re on any one of the ongoing grand juries, whadja think, the boy paid Stormy for services rendered, just wanted to keep mum with Melania? Or he thought maybe 11,000 odd votes were under the voting machine there in Atlanta, just take a look, okay? Or those top secret files were moved repeatedly in Muddy Lago unbeknownst to m’lord who was too busy cheating at his golf game. Maybe you figured January 6th when he wanted the Secret Service to take him to the Capitol wasn’t part of his game plan to keep himself in office after losing the election. Really?

Go ahead and vote for the creep, fine by me. But be honest with yerselves, the guy is guilty and if two impeachments don’t budge your belief in the boy, at least don’t demean your intelligence by crying Wolf and witch hunt. It’s okay if you want to vote for a felon, nothing says you can’t. And nothing says he can’t run for President again. Just admit you like the man and you don’t give a damn what he’s done that’s illegal or immoral or just plain Wrong. Forgive him his sins, if you happen to be a religious sort.

Yesterday the grand jury in New York handed down the first of probably a few indictments. You think George Soros bought off the District Attorney so the guy would bring charges against the Prez-in-Exile? Then listen to Lindsay Graham who suggested you send money to help the poor billionaire with his attorney bills, why don’tcha? And plenty of you will. The GOP is in full howl that this is a travesty of justice. Go ahead and beat your fists too. Attack the courts, the justice departments, the media, Hollywood, Disney, the college elite, all those crooked anti-American institutions for insinuating that no one is above the law, not even the crook you love.

But don’t tell yourself this is the new Robin Hood, the Jesse James of the 21st Century, the Stormy and Clyde folk tale. This is Al Capone, a gangster who got rich off you and still wants more. Send money. You can use a year’s supply of snake oil.

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I Will Be Your Retribution!

Posted in rantings and ravings on March 31st, 2023 by skeeter

Give the guy some credit, he never quits. He’s the proverbial bad penny, the Grinch who stole America. And if he wasn’t totally pissed off before, he is now. He feels your pain and shares your grievance. Oh boy, he’s going to be the warrior king who seeks revenge on the woke crowd the right wing blame for their grudges and resentments. He’ll be their bully, the righteous dude who kicks sand in the faces of the wimps. He’s their outlaw ruler, the bad boy who beats up on the minorities they hate too. And yesterday he was indicted, first President in our history to receive the honor. You better believe he’s spitting nails down there in Muddy Lago.

You might be wondering if you’re one of the wimps, one of the woke, one of those retribution will be meted out on. Good chance you are. Hitler had a few favorite targets. Jews, gypsies, homosexuals. If you’re going to be the champion of the aggrieved, best to find a scapegoat. Or two. Maybe a lot more. Trans, gays, the press, Hollywood, the educated elite, the coastal folks, blacks, most everyone not white, immigrants, college professors, Democrats, liberals — it’s a wide net. Chances are pretty good you’re on the hit list of those who need swift retaliation and harsh vengeance. Lock em up! Lock em up! He means You, buddy.

Course, if you attack too many groups, you run the risk of losing their support. Sure, we might want revenge on, oh, drag queens, but call for the castigation of dozens of enemy lists, what’s left are the Fox News addicts and I seriously doubt they make up a majority of Americans. Maybe in the South, probably in Idaho, but it’s a big country and most of us wimps aren’t too worried that Hollywood is undermining the nation’s morality. Or what shoes M&M cartoon ads are wearing. Last survey I saw asking if ‘woke’ was derogatory or not, most folks thought it was a positive thing. Most of us would like to believe we’re not dozing off at the wheel, much less aim the car at those who actually are awake. And more to the point, most of us don’t want Donald driving anything more lethal than his golf cart. Anybody in his foursome maybe ought to be careful.

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The GOP War

Posted in rantings and ravings on January 24th, 2022 by skeeter

There WILL come a reckoning! The sun will rise once again and the tides will turn. The spineless cowards who sing the praises of Donald J. Trump, would-be dictator of America, will soon, mark my words, start to turn on him. In the next months the lawsuits, the investigations, the indictments will start as a trickle, become a stream and finally roar out of the sewer pipes in a tsunami of negative story after negative story. One by one the worms who thought it would help them to stay in power if they supported the Big Lie and the Big Liar will realize the man is an anchor tossed overboard they’d be wise not to cling to.

January 6th revelations, election tampering in Georgia, grand juries, New York district court subpoenas, everywhere the fat man turns, more allegations, more disclosures, more indictments, a faucet of corruption and greed pouring out in the media day in and day out. The guy was a crook, the guy was a fraud, the guy was an admitted pussy grabbing creep surrounded by nazi-loving sycophants and apologists. And now the truth will come out.

Okay, it’s a nice fantasy, but a fantasy nevertheless. Chances are most Republicans won’t believe any of the charges against their fuhrer. Odds are even better that it will only embolden them to believe the conspiracy theorists. Stolen elections, Comrade Biden, left wing critical race promoters, pizza parlor cannibals, nano tracking vaccines, Jewish lasers igniting forest fires, Big Foot, Big Lie, a promulgation of insane beliefs in a country addicted to social media echo chambers, a country where nearly half of us are batshit crazy. Believe the stories in the New York Times??? Don’t make me laugh. Please!

The metaverse looks better and better.

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