Mobster-in-Chief (audio)

Posted in audio versions ---- the talkies on August 18th, 2023 by skeeter

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Posted in rantings and ravings on August 16th, 2023 by skeeter

If you’re going after me, I’m going after you.. Don Trumpleone, the Godfather.

These are going to be interesting times, these next few months, another indictment due any day, make that the fourth. What is that Chinese curse? May you live in interesting times? It definitely looks like the mob boss is going to have his day in court. Or days. Probably weeks and months. Indictments, arraignments, depositions, trials, sentencings, then appeals, a country divided into warring camps, possibly Civil War, bad craziness. Count on one more year of the Donald Trump Show, season 7, probably 8, possibly even a resolution to the cliffhanger this has been. What a ride it’s been!! Impeachments, insurrections, political intrigue, porn stars. Porn stars!! No wonder the ratings are through the roof. The show has everything.

But … most of us are pretty burned out. We just want the guy to go away. Too much binge-watching. Too much social media. Too much of everything! You have to give the guy credit, he knows how to keep the spotlight on himself, all the time. He’s the entire Kardashian Klan. And even under a withering assault from multiple inquests the man turns the attacks into money. He’s not above selling a T-shirt or two. He’s not embarrassed to ask his MAGA minions for financial support. And … they keep sending in their checks to the billionaire snake oil salesman. So he won’t have to fund his own defense. You think that isn’t amazing???

Sure, you had televangelists who could squeeze nickels out of turnips. You had mobsters who could make millions. You’ve had politician crazy for power. But you never saw a huckster like this, a vice king wanting more, always more. The judicial system must be corrupt, the FBI must be in on it, the Bidens were worse, I’m doing this for you, please send money. I need more money. Please send more!

The gullibility of the American people is boundless. Maybe we just want entertainment, worth the price of admission. The guy is a one man train wreck, no way can you not watch. The fact that he’s willing to destroy democracy itself – or save it if you believe him – isn’t that exactly the kind of reality TV we must crave? Hoo boy, hang onto yer hats, the next and possibly final season is about to start.

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Witch Hunt? (audio)

Posted in audio versions ---- the talkies on April 5th, 2023 by skeeter

Hits: 10

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