Call me Crazy and make me Emperor

Posted in rantings and ravings on June 15th, 2017 by skeeter

For some strange reason I’ve been struggling lately to define ‘insanity’. The other day the former chairman of the GOP called the President crazy. This is grim news. The Roman emperors were ruined by a few insane leaders, whackos like Caligula who tried to put his horse in the Senate and declare Mr. Ed a priest. Trump hasn’t got a horse so we’re spared that sorry spectacle.

I live in a country now where half of us no longer believe in facts, or science, or can tell the difference between what is truth and what isn’t. This seems to me to be one definition of insanity. But when a majority of those around me are insane, then where does that leave the rest of us? Isn’t insanity the state of mind that’s abnormal? Or is that just a different definition?

I’m a little disoriented. It’s a bit like Alice walked into 1984, the Wonderland of Big Brother. History is being rewritten tweet by tweet, hour by hour. Nothing is as it seems and most everything I see is different from the Presidential Vision. We seem to be voting based on social media more than logic. The former arbiter of news, PBS, The NY Times, the Washington Post, all are accused of phony facts. Not much room here for investigative journalism, that’s for sure. If everything is skewed and twisted, if there really is no ‘fair and balanced,’ we all get to believe whatever we and our Facebook friends want.

There might not be Global Warming, evolution may be a fraud, the moon landing was staged, the government is dropping chemicals on us, Santa is real, the Matrix is here, the world is a digital construct. Believe me, it’s hard to get up in the morning wondering what’s waiting out there now that the earth’s solidity is in question.

What I do think is true is that there are a lot of insane people among us. The question is whether they’re the ones who are crazy. Or us.

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