stop over-educating us

I been hearing a lot of chatter on Hot Talk Radio about the high cost of a college degree these days, how it’s not worth the cost of the sheepskin, how it forces our young’uns into an early  bankruptcy, all these B.A.’s, M.A.’s and PhD’s in useless fields, no jobs, no prospects, no hope.  We got too many smart, over-educated people, apparently.  Better to train kids for vocational skills.  Or burger flipping.
Course, I also hear on the same Hot Talk that it’s the unions that are driving the country into the ground economically.  High wages, excessive benefits  — real Job Killers for the corporate Job Creators.  They want to keep minimum wage maybe a lot more minimum, so when they bust the unions, they can boost profits.  More profits, more jobs.  Just pay a little less.
They rant and rave about the illegal immigrants taking our American jobs, you know, the grape pickin, pea pickin,, agri-frickin work all our kids would jump right into if they didn’t have to compete with Hispanic families willing to work for, oh, slave wages.  Am I stoopid or is this a frontal assault on not only the working class but on the educated class too?  I guess if you got a Harvard MBA you’re entitled to the whole pie  — the crumbs maybe we can redistribute to the little people.
I’m one of those folks who went to college, got a degree, spent a fortune, then never got a job.  Course, in full disclosure, I didn’t want a job.  I wanted an education.  I wanted to think critically, to have some book learning for a foundation, to associate with people who were brilliant in their fields and have some of that brilliance rub off a little.  I wanted to learn how to learn, to use that to keep on learning, to figure out that college maybe could be a means to a job and a career, but it could also be just a love of knowledge.
I certainly understand some graduates feeling gypped they went in debt to acquire a sheepskin that’s not going to get them a job …. But I don’t understand the assault on universities themselves.  Course, I didn’t get a PhD so maybe that doctorate would’ve helped explain it.  I figure, though, I need more education, not less.  So do these critics….


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