Overturning the Checkerboard

One week to go until the referendum on our current Leader. Post-covid, he’s on the campaign trail asking his troops to come out and guard the polling stations, cautioning that the mail-in ballots will be fraudulent, declaring that no votes should be counted after midnight on the day of the election despite many states having laws that declare ballots will be counted later if they meet the postmark. The winds of change are in the air, fragrant as a smoldering leaf mulch fire.

I talked to my neighbor whose mother died last night in Wausau, Wisconsin. The covid spike there in that fair city is 50% of those tested are covid positive. The outbreak started, oddly enough, when the President came there and his troops, all drunk on the Kool-aid belief of the virus as a left wing media hoax, stood shoulder to shoulder in Trumpstep solidarity. The GOP legislators who are running close elections are turning up these days with masks on, stepping a political distance away from the SuperSpreader himself, a sure sign that his coat tails aren’t going to help but instead pull them down too.

Polls are predicting a possible massacre. To which the Republicans counter that the polls were wrong last time. They weren’t wrong the last mid-term and they won’t be wrong this next time either. Key states lined up for Mr. T by 77,000 votes and the electoral college fell his way. You want to bet they’ll fall that way this time, call my bookie, I’m happy to give you odds. 538, the Nate Silver polling algorithm, gives the odds at 88% that Biden will beat this guy like a recalcitrant mule. 538 puts the bet on the Senate at 74% the Democrats will take over.

I’m ordinarily not one who thinks the government should be completely in the hands of one party. But after the last four years of incompetence, lies, racism, xenophobia, narcissism, corruption and impeachable behavior glossed over by his sycophantic minions, well, I’m ready for some adults to run the show for awhile and hopefully not get too power crazed.

The writing’s on the White House wall. The country knows this Covid response was a stupid senseless mess and they will vote accordingly. Trump himself sees what’s coming. Check and mate. Time, he figures, to tip over the checkerboard. If he’s ahead at midnight Nov. 3rd, well sir, that’s a victory. The rest he’ll fight out in the Supreme Court. And you wondered why the Barrett woman was rammed through in record time ….

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2 Responses to “Overturning the Checkerboard”

  1. Rick Says:

    I think I once read the worst job in America back in the day was collecting money in a tollbooth. The mindless tedium, suffering the inhuman treatment by irritable and impatient drivers, eight hours of meaningless existence for a pathetically small paycheck.

    After January 21, 2021 I’m pretty sure there will be a far worse job. By the luck of the draw, a few secret service agents will be assigned duty guarding former President Donald J. Trump. If I may borrow from you above Skeeter, the most incompetent, lying, racist, xenophobic, narcissistic, corrupt man ever to coast down an escalator and bumble his way into the White House.

    Pity the secret service agent who gets up in the morning for a shift protecting that guy. Because really, what’s the point?

  2. skeeter Says:

    And here I thought artist would be the worst job. Working for an asshole who was meself. But you might be right. There are worse jobs and this is definitely the very worst.

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