Post Traumatic Covid Disorder (PTCD)

So you survived the Plague Year, maybe didn’t know a single person who died of Covid, not that you thought it was hoax, just lucky, you guess. Now the quarantines are over, the restaurants and bars are re-opening, the mask mandates are voluntary, the world has returned – nearly – to its pre-pandemic state. Why, you ask yourself, do you still dread the grocery store, the trip to town, all those things you once too for granted? Maybe you still wear a mask. Still avoid crowds. Still refuse to fly on an airplane or board a bus. Still send regrets to the few party invites starting to pour in.

The answer, my friend, is you’re suffering from Post Traumatic Covid Disorder, PTCD. And you’re not alone, believe me. Do you find yourself growing irrationally angry when you pass people in the aisle who no longer mask up? Of course you could take off the plague mask too now … but you don’t. PTCD, pal. When friends invite you to their party now that restrictions are lifted, do you fabricate an elaborate excuse? Post plague partum, bet on it! You’re a survivor and you tell yourself you want to stay a survivor. Who knows what viral variant varmint is mutating even now in the regions where the Covid-deniers are seeing spikes in contagion.

The best vaccines offer you 94% immunological protection, so the pharmacology reps say, but you know that means you’re 6% open to disaster. And the new Delta variant is now over 50% of the new cases in America, a more virulent and spreadable mutation and probably growing worse every day. You dream about the next generation of viruses, you wake up with a mounting dread, you read about it in the paper, watch it on the news, you live with it day and night. Post –pandemic? You don’t think so, no way! Post-traumatic, absolutely.

And those people who deny that over 600,000 Americans died of the disease, that bring your blood to a boil? They don’t believe 4 million people are dead around the globe, don’t believe the vaccines work or that they’re a government plot to enslave you, don’t think any of this was more than an elaborate hoax to embarrass the former President before the election, that work you up to a rage? Yup, post traumatic covid disorder. Here’s my advice, take two vaccinations and call me in the morning. And no, it won’t really help….PTCD may not be curable.

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