Strap on Yer Glocks!

Six months until the November elections. Whoo hoo, the fun we’re gonna have. Kari Lake, running for Arizona Senator, suggested that the True Americans should strap on their Glocks and be ready for anything the next few wild months. If that isn’t literally a call to arms, well, nettles don’t sting when you eat em raw. She claims the last elections were rigged, hers in Arizona and Trump’s in America. She also accused Maricopa County of tampering with ballots in 2020. A Republican election official sued her for defamation and oddly enough, Ms. Lake filed a default judgement accepting her own culpability. Probably figured the courts were rigged against her anyway so why not just admit guilt and hope the fines won’t be too egregious.

Meanwhile her hero is on trial in New York, more evidence of swamp monsters trying to destroy everything that’s good and decent in this once great Christian nation, proof enough for her that evil walks among us. While her rally bemoaned the demise of democracy under an illegitimate regime that had stolen the election, they raffled off an assault rifle. Nice optics if you’re looking to incite a civil war.

January 6th was a warmup, I guess, prelude to what’s coming if these folks don’t get their way. If they win the next election, it must have been legitimate. If not, there’s only one possible explanation. Time to turn over the chessboard and grab a Glock. Storm the Bastille! Erect the guillotines! Hang the traitors! Once again, time for some armed tourism at the Capitol. Thanks, Kari, thanks a lot….

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