skip the GED and go directly to the university of the south end


     I know you folks have probably heard the news:  Stanwood wants to bring a 4 year college to the area.  Univ. of Stanwoodopolis.  Higher degrees in Lefse Rolling, Lutefisk Engineering, and Storage Unit Management.

     Now, I know what you’re thinking.  The town’ll be over-run by eggheads.  Professors taking over the barstools at the Stanwood Hotel, ruining our rural backwash hick ambiance.  Expecting political discussions, not fishing stories.  Wanting napkins with their hand-crafted malt beverages and hors douerve plates, not peanuts.  The Snow Goose bookstore will sell 5 pound tomes with 5 dollar words nobody but the PhD’s will understand.  FOR 50 DOLLARS!  With titles like the Socio-Economic Dialectic of the 3rd generation Scandihoovian in the Stillaguamish River Drainage.

     The whole town’ll go to hell in a hurry.  Just when the fast food franchises were giving us a glimmer of hope of joining mainstream society.  All those student shops will take over now.  More art galleries.  Boutique soap stores.  Boutique clothing stores.  Boutique furniture stores.  Head shops.  Movie houses, Art movie houses.  Fancy pants restaurants.  Ethiopian Epicure.  Persian Pizza.  La De Da Linguini.

     Gonna look like Berkeley in the 60’s.  Long hair.  Free love.  Dope smoking, anti-war, bohemian anti-establishment types.  Weird clothes.  Weird music.  Weird period.  Weird as a Way of Life.

     Which….. if you stop and think about it, is a perfect description of the South End.  Which … if you been following our logic here, is exactly why the new campus should be located down by us —  the University of the South End, Tyee Branch.  Save em from hiring new professors.  The woods are thick with em.  The Band alone could be a quarter of the art faculty.  Think about it.  It’s the obvious location — and it’ll preserve the Stanwoodopolis we all love……

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