New Year in an Old Bottle

In these Dark Times of Post-Truth you know deep in your grief stricken hearts that somewhere, somehow, there must be a place where the fires of civilization still smolder, ready to be rekindled, their embers primed to burst forth in a blaze heralding some New Renaissance. That place, that Polaris of Verity, that Constant Star which guides the Lost and the Lame back home, awaits you!

Yep, the South End New Year’s Party! For 35 years this beacon of Eternal Truthiness has been welcoming those wandering in the wilderness back to renewed Hope. 2017 might seem to many, not a path to making America great again, but a dirt road down a desolate dead end. Sounds pretty much like the South End to us. We aren’t going to try to make New Years great again, it’s already great. Okay, it’s good enuff. Well, anyway, we’re used to it. And you should get used to it too.

Come on down and join us for a sorrow-drowning, tweetless, rollicking good time. If it’s lies you want, we got em by the bushel. If it’s reassurance that the country is going to be hunky-dory, we can do that too. If you want the swamp drained, well, bring a bucket. But by all means, bring yourselves, bring a friend, bring a dish, bring a bottle. We’ll start at 7 and go til the bogs are firm. Happy New Year even if you can’t make it!!

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