Guns Don’t Kill People, People with Guns Kill People

You got to love the NRA. In the wake of another mass killing they roll right into the Conservative Political Action Conference, which they sponsor oddly enough, and accuse the folks who want to maybe do something about mass killings of exploiting the tragedy. Now, I love blaming the victims as much as the next whacko, but this time it feels a little like they are protesting, methinks, too much. When the kids who survived the shootings last week began to knock on legislator’s doors and organized rallies, the conspiracy theorists hit their Facebook sites with accusations that they were paid actors. Nothing is really too insane or too low for these folks. Pretty nearly all the lawmakers were in conferences and unavailable for meetings. Welcome to Democracy, kids!

Wayne (Give me a Gun or Give me Death) La Pierre, the front of the barrel of the National Rifle Association, accuses Democrats of a liberal agenda to destroy all our rights. Ban a bumpstock to make a semi-automatic rifle into a machine gun, well, that’s an equivalency of the government busting in private citizen’s doors for speaking their minds. They want to terminate with extreme prejudice their God given right to carry a firearm, their 2nd amendment rights and then it’s just a nano second away from all the Bill of Rights being taken too. The answer, says Wayne, is to arm the schools’ teachers, teach them how to use a Colt .45 Peacekeeper, give them concealed weapon permits and let them gun down any would-be bad hombres. Works in the movies!

A legislator in our area, not saying he gets money from the NRA lobby, fumed yesterday that more mass killings are done with knives than guns. He used a fictional account of a Norwegian slaughter of schoolkids by blade. Why not be more creative? Grenade murders or slaughter with swords. Murder by pesticides. Killings with trained rats. C’mon, man, if you’re going to lie outright, why not make it a doozie? And yeah, we elected this idiot.

The kids are asking the question we all should’ve been asking all along. How much is the NRA PAYING you??!! What amount of money did it take to buy you off? What are you going to do to make our school and this country safer? Or as one kid vowed, ‘I can’t vote right now, but when I can, I’m voting YOU out!’

Kid, I’m with you.

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3 Responses to “Guns Don’t Kill People, People with Guns Kill People”

  1. Rick Says:

    Yesterday La Pierre said “The elites don’t care not one whit about America’s school system and school children.”

    Aren’t the elites people who have gone to schools? Don’t they need to give a whit (or more) so that schools can create more elites? Or are they like the Shakers, always looking outside their own group for more members, until you know, they disappear?

    Wayne La Pierre doesn’t seem to care whether he hits the target with his sentences. But with AR-15 style word-bursts and spatter, I guess he doesn’t have to.

  2. skeeter Says:

    I’m always a bit unsure of what folks like La Pierre and Donald Trump mean by the expression ‘elite’. I even checked the dictionary and the usual meaning would certainly include the head of the NRA and the President of the United States of America. It would include them with just their salaries and riches alone. But anyway, I believe they both went beyond a GED. In fact Wayne has a master’s degree. And Donald claims to have been an extraordinary student at Wharton, altho no one remembers him and his diploma was eaten along with his homework by the family dog.

    As for giving a whit. Again, I had to consult Merriam-Webster and a whit is really a very small bit. The smallest, really. Harsh, Wayne! If they cared that little, I doubt they’d build a school at all or hire teachers. I’d say this makes Wayne a whitless elite, but you got to admire a man who’ll stick by his guns no matter what the cost.

  3. Rick Says:

    But with AR-15 style word-bursts and spatter, I guess he doesn’t have to aim.

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